creator cover Nahyndrian romances

Nahyndrian romances

Best thing since Nahyndrian crystals!
Nahyndrian romances
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Targona's portrait (100$)
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Yaker's portrait (100$)
30.14 of $ 31 money raised
For coffee and cookies <3

About the creator

Hello! We are Nahyndrian romances — a group of enthusiasts, working on romance mods for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. All our mods will be free to download. Here you can read posts and updates about the mods’ development and support us financially, so we can deliver quality content for you. Welcome and enjoy your stay!

News and updates

We decided to make this post due to the increasing amount of questions about the state of the project. It’s an understandable reaction, so we are here with an update on how we are doing.
First of all - we still exist as a team. Despite the long silence and a complete lack of updates, we are still working on the project. We have a new team member who handles coding and we’ve made significant advancement since our last time being active in the community.
The biggest hurdle we faced was the technical difficulty with implementing the use of abilities in dialogue and casting of buffs. But we are happy to report that this obstacle was conquered.
It is too early to talk release dates, but hopefully, next week we will be able to show you a short video featuring new scenes!
Please, let us know if you are still interested in this project and would like to see regular posts on Boosty and VK.
Is Hand of the Inheritor still planned for release alongside Targona?
I would still love to see this project finished! ~~

About updates

Hello to all our dear subscribers and everyone following our work!
First, we'd like to apologize for a long period of silence. We have solved our problems and now we are back on track! More than that: we have recruited two addiitonal people to hasten our work on the mod.
Right now the most important thing for Targona mod is coding. Another thing, that we have already solved, are the portraits. We think they turned out amazing! We hope you think the same. Reminder - they were created by amazing Halderzor. We'd love to hear your thoughts!
We are actively working on Yaker romance, too. The text is constantly being improved and new things are being added. A little bit of a spoiler - one of the scenes involving the Hellknight will be illustrated!
Thank you for following our updates! We love and appreciate you!
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Illustration for Targona romance

Hello, friends!
We have combed through Targona romance dialogue, and we have to say - we're proud of what we've made! It's ready to become part of the mod. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the portrait.
Some of you predicted that you'd get a chance to fly with Targona in the mod. Your predictions were correct! We've decided to add this scene as a book event - below you can see the illustration that will be used for it. The artist behind this beauty is Tonya Epifantseva!
So, what do you think?

Yaker Character Portrait Done

Today we have some great news – the work on our mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is one step closer complete.
Yaker’s character portrait is ready!
We would like to share with you the reasons we decided on this appearance for him. Charismatic, straightforward, sometimes too direct. Not much intelligence but packing quite the charisma. Stupid sexy Yaker – a typical himbo, but his humor often is as dark as his armor. This cold thorny adamantine is in deep contrast with the bright background for this Hellknight’s portrait.
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Targona Script Finished

Hello, friends! Nahyndrian Romances team is back with some big-big news!
The dialogue for Targona romance is almost finished, all that is left is the editing. Soon the angelic shieldmaiden will descend from the Heavens to talk to you about things more intimate than demon slaying and world-saving :3
Such great news always come in a pair – since Targona’s romance is close to done, it is time to start work on a new romance! We’ve spent some time deep in thought and decided that our next paramour will be the Hand of the Inheritor – AND he will arrive alongside Targona, as part of a single mod.
Details about romancing the herald of Iomedae will be released in the future. Stay tuned!
Now, some details about the content you’ll encounter in fourth and fifth acts.
In Alushinyrra, you will save Lariel, which will become an important turning point in your relationships with Targona. No matter how close you are to her, losing her brother will affect her deeply. But let’s not talk too much about sad endings! Healing the angel’s wounds, speaking with them about the events of the First Crusade, helping Targona with her hair – all of this awaits you in the depths of the Abyss!
There’s not that much that we are ready to say about act five without going into spoilers. Targona and Knight-Commander will finally be able to have a proper date. Or maybe even two! What sorts of dates these will be – we’ll let you theorize. Let’s just say – the answer had already been mentioned once in the comments!
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Yaker Art

Hello, people! Nahyndrian Romances team is back with some news – we are going to show you some more details for our Pathfinder mod focusing on Yaker Ankelle and the making of his character portrait. 
We know next to nothing of Yaker’s looks in the game proper, so we had to rely on his in-game model and his characterization. All of that had to be reflected in the character portrait. 
Things we knew for certain: Yaker (or at least his in-game model) has black hair and he’s a tall man with great physique. Some people in our team have a soft spot for blue-eyed brunettes, so his eye color was chosen at the very start. 
A little bit of pride from belonging to an order of Hellknights coexists with a friendly disposition towards the Knight-Commander, coupled with enthusiasm for grand deeds and heroics. From fighting gargoyles unarmed to awkward flirting with the Player Character… even if he is a lich: this guy is pretty brave and isn’t aware that some ventures will earn him more than a couple of lashes. 
We got very lucky with Yaker’s portrait – it is being done by Daria Chikhireva https://www.artstation.com/ivanish 
At first, we wanted Yaker to have a conceited smirk on his face. After all, pride and 8 in intelligence should affect the visuals. So we got all sorts of smirk references and sent them over to the artist. What we got back shocked us to our core. For two days straight we couldn’t decide on the best pick, because all of them were so darn good! 
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Summer Update

Hello, friends! Nahyndrian Romances mod team is here.
Some of our members had taken a summer vacation and forgot to give you an update on our progress. Yep, it’s been a while. An entire month of Summer, in fact… Time to fix that!
Today we will be talking about Targona.
We keep working on and reworking the dialogues. It’s a long and arduous process, but a necessary one. Right now we are focusing on fixing the old mistakes instead of creating new content. After that’s done, we can give the script to our wonderful translator. This isn’t a quick process, but it is steadily progressing to the finish line!
The portrait of the heavenly warrior is also slowly approaching its complete state.
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We are happy to announce that we have finished gathering donations for Targona Portrait! We would like to thank everyone who participated and helped turn this dream into reality! We will try to keep you updated on our progress and show you more pictures of our favorite angel! Thank you - you're the best! <3

Awkward conversations by the campfire

Howdy, folks! Your pals, the Nahyndrian Romances mod team, have been hard at work, and today we bring you an update on Yaker Ankelle romance mod for, whose relationships with the Knight Commander are improving at a steady rate. Their conversations are getting more and more complex, with new routes being added constantly. As it turned out – both of them hate gargoyles and love killing demons. Whodathunk! The world of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous will soon bear witness to their love!
But not everything is sunshine and rainbows, because creating romance mods isn’t just about writing dialogue – there are certain in-game limitations that we must overcome during the creative process.
Let us show you the kind of difficulties we face during the creation of the mod.
First, imagine a ragged camp of the crusader army in the Lost Chapel. Knight Commander returns to her army victorious, and, of course, ready for some flirting with the handsome Hellknight. However, Yaker is currently preoccupied with a conversation – and he doesn’t even realize the true identity of his companion! This is how we see Yaker when we return to the crusader camp at the bottom of the hill.
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