Nahyndrian romances
Nahyndrian romances
43 subscribers
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Targona's portrait (100$)
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Yaker's portrait (100$)
30.14 of $ 31 money raised
For coffee and cookies <3

About updates

Hello to all our dear subscribers and everyone following our work!
First, we'd like to apologize for a long period of silence. We have solved our problems and now we are back on track! More than that: we have recruited two addiitonal people to hasten our work on the mod.
Right now the most important thing for Targona mod is coding. Another thing, that we have already solved, are the portraits. We think they turned out amazing! We hope you think the same. Reminder - they were created by amazing Halderzor. We'd love to hear your thoughts!
We are actively working on Yaker romance, too. The text is constantly being improved and new things are being added. A little bit of a spoiler - one of the scenes involving the Hellknight will be illustrated!
Thank you for following our updates! We love and appreciate you!

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