Nahyndrian romances
Nahyndrian romances
43 subscribers
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Targona's portrait (100$)
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Yaker's portrait (100$)
30.14 of $ 31 money raised
For coffee and cookies <3

Illustration for Targona romance

Hello, friends!
We have combed through Targona romance dialogue, and we have to say - we're proud of what we've made! It's ready to become part of the mod. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the portrait.
Some of you predicted that you'd get a chance to fly with Targona in the mod. Your predictions were correct! We've decided to add this scene as a book event - below you can see the illustration that will be used for it. The artist behind this beauty is Tonya Epifantseva!
So, what do you think?

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