Nahyndrian romances
Nahyndrian romances
43 subscribers
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Targona's portrait (100$)
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Yaker's portrait (100$)
30.14 of $ 31 money raised
For coffee and cookies <3

Targona Script Finished

Hello, friends! Nahyndrian Romances team is back with some big-big news!
The dialogue for Targona romance is almost finished, all that is left is the editing. Soon the angelic shieldmaiden will descend from the Heavens to talk to you about things more intimate than demon slaying and world-saving :3
Such great news always come in a pair – since Targona’s romance is close to done, it is time to start work on a new romance! We’ve spent some time deep in thought and decided that our next paramour will be the Hand of the Inheritor – AND he will arrive alongside Targona, as part of a single mod.
Details about romancing the herald of Iomedae will be released in the future. Stay tuned!
Now, some details about the content you’ll encounter in fourth and fifth acts.
In Alushinyrra, you will save Lariel, which will become an important turning point in your relationships with Targona. No matter how close you are to her, losing her brother will affect her deeply. But let’s not talk too much about sad endings! Healing the angel’s wounds, speaking with them about the events of the First Crusade, helping Targona with her hair – all of this awaits you in the depths of the Abyss!
There’s not that much that we are ready to say about act five without going into spoilers. Targona and Knight-Commander will finally be able to have a proper date. Or maybe even two! What sorts of dates these will be – we’ll let you theorize. Let’s just say – the answer had already been mentioned once in the comments!
That is all for today! We are excited to share more news in the future!
Author of meme - Revenich

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