Nahyndrian romances
Nahyndrian romances
43 subscribers
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Targona's portrait (100$)
78.14 of $ 79 money raised
For Yaker's portrait (100$)
30.14 of $ 31 money raised
For coffee and cookies <3

Summer Update

Hello, friends! Nahyndrian Romances mod team is here.
Some of our members had taken a summer vacation and forgot to give you an update on our progress. Yep, it’s been a while. An entire month of Summer, in fact… Time to fix that!
Today we will be talking about Targona.
We keep working on and reworking the dialogues. It’s a long and arduous process, but a necessary one. Right now we are focusing on fixing the old mistakes instead of creating new content. After that’s done, we can give the script to our wonderful translator. This isn’t a quick process, but it is steadily progressing to the finish line!
The portrait of the heavenly warrior is also slowly approaching its complete state.
We love the color of the sky there (the artist called this time of day “winter dawn”), which synergizes well with our vision of Targona’s gentle nature. The artist is also planning to add the sun reflecting off of Targona’s wings and hair. Gorgeous!
To lift the veil on what exactly we have in store for Targona romance, we are gonna play a guessing game.
Which of these statements are true? Knight-Commander and Targona…
• love to watch sunrises while sitting on lampposts in Drezen
• bake pancakes together
• do wreaths together
• take a dip in the river, playfully splashing water on each other
• spar together
… or perhaps they’ll do something else? Do share with us in the comments below – we read and love them all, even the most outrageous of suggestions. We will be happy to see what you think!

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