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Dmitry Orlov

C l u b O r l o v | ideas to blow your mind
Dmitry Orlov
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La fin du "soft power" de l'Amérique
Mon modèle de l'économie mondiale selon Trump est celui de deux seaux, l'un sur une étagère, reliés par une longueur de tuyau d'arrosage.
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Trump Triumphant: The First Three Weeks

Recent historical experience shows that geriatric American presidents range from catatonic (Biden) to manic (Trump) but that they are senile old fools just the same. And while such a judgment could be made automatically simply by looking at and listening to Biden, when assessing Trump it is essential to strictly adhere to the Scripture: “By their deeds you will know them. Does a man gather grapes from thorns or figs from briars?” (Matthew 7:16) Over the past three weeks, the thorns and the briars have been getting quite a thrashing; but let's look for grapes and figs and see if any are to be found.
1. Trump demanded that Denmark hand over Greenland, which has been Danish ever since Eric the Red, a.k.a. Eirikr rauði Þorvaldsson (the funny letters in his name reflecting a speech defect caused by teeth missing due to scurvy) landed there around 950AD and gave it its name (it was green at the time thanks to global warming but is now mostly white because we are in an ice age). The Danish prime ministress (who has all her teeth but still lisps) complained tearfully to anyone who would listen, then said "Nej!" That's Danish for "Nyet!" — not quite as forceful, but still somewhat effective. The Danish monarch took the unprecedented step of adding a polar bear to his royal crest. Brave, brave monarch! Greenland remains Danish. No change.
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Will Trump will facilitate a false flag war with Iran? Not looking for an answer today.
RedShift, considering that Trump, with Musk's hand, is about to audit the Pentagon, I don't think any military action is being planned.
I give it up Dmitry. Where did you get the cool photo with Trump’s super cool coif and who on earth is…Rogers?
The End of America's Soft Power
My mental model of Trump's mental model of the world economy is two buckets, one up on a shelf, connected by a short length of fire hose.
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Deepseek Deadpan Humor

What follows is a conversation between me and Deepseek, the new Chinese artificial intelligence chatbot.
My query: "Please compare and contrast a typical public library and a typical bordello."
The absolutely obvious answer is as follows:
• Public libraries and bordellos are similar in that both offer items for temporary use by the general public.
• Public libraries and bordellos differ in that libraries provide books while bordellos provide prostitutes.
The artificially intelligent answer is as follows:
A public library and a bordello are two very different types of establishments, serving entirely different purposes and operating under distinct cultural, legal, and social frameworks. Below is a comparison and contrast of the two:
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6. Public Perception and Stigma: Both institutions can be subject to public stigma and moral judgment. Brothels are often stigmatized due to societal views on sex work, while Congress frequently faces public disapproval and cynicism regarding its effectiveness and integrity. 7. Role of Money: Money plays a significant role in both settings. In a brothel, it is the primary medium of exchange, while in Congress, campaign financing and lobbying can heavily influence political decisions and priorities.
It's important to note that these analogies are metaphorical and not meant to be taken literally. They serve as a critique or commentary on perceived issues within the political system, rather than a direct comparison of the institutions themselves.>>
Peter Slag, 
From the horse’s mouth!
Donald pond un œuf
Trump est sur le point d'entrer dans l'histoire comme un second Mikhaïl Gorbatchev - un extraverti narcissique et superficiel.
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The Donald lays an egg
Here is the real "deal", as I see it, in the vernacular sense of "the way things actually are."
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Mais qu'en est-il de l'ancienne Ukraine ?
Trump pourrait se laver les mains de tout le gâchis ukrainien : « J'ai dit à Poutine, tu as tout cassé, tu le répares ».
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But what about the former Ukraine?
Trump should wash his hands of the entire Ukrainian mess: "I told Putin, you broke it, you fix it."
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L'impérialisme nord-américain fond à vue d’œil

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Cinq jours à peine nous séparent du début du règne de l'empereur Donald Ier et de sa joyeuse bande de milliardaires, et le monde entier est en proie à de folles attentes quant à ses nouvelles et excellentes aventures. Donald Ier a déjà annoncé qu'il prévoyait d'étendre son domaine au Canada, au Groenland, au canal de Panama et peut-être aux États du nord du Mexique. Partout dans le monde, les gens se grattent la tête, se demandant ce que tout cela peut bien signifier. Qu'en est-il de l'inviolabilité des frontières nationales ? Qu'en est-il de la souveraineté nationale ? Quelqu'un a-t-il lu la charte des Nations unies récemment ? Vaut-elle encore la peine d'être lue ?
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North American Imperial Redux

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We are mere five days from the commencement of the reign of Emperor Donald I the Munificent and his merry band of billionaires and the whole world is astir with wild expectations of his excellent new adventures. Donald I has already announced that he plans to expand his domain to include Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal and perhaps the northern states of Mexico. People around the world are scratching their heads, wondering what any of that could possibly mean. What about the inviolability of national borders? What about national sovereignty? Has anyone read the UN charter lately? Is it still worth reading?
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Too funny Dmytri!
The next 4 years promise to be the most exhilarating train wreck in western recorded history. If you can’t laugh about it, Dmitry definitely is not your man. 👈😄👍

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