creator cover Sladdoska


Blender 3D artist
23 of 46 paid subscribers
I'll post more often here (mostly with WIP's and files I've produced). This number will just motivate me to make stuff more efficiently.
401.36 of $ 782 money raised
On upgrading PC for better resolution quality and more frames per second... frames. And to improve model quality I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

About the creator

Hello! I'm Slad!
I make 3d stuff (mostly NSFW). If you want to support me or thank me, you can do it here.
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Vertex color geonodes

    Made for Blender 4.2
    Version 1.2
    This is the set of GeoNodes tools and modifiers I've made that aimed at making character vertex painting a bit more versatile and efficient.I'm not a math professor, so they are very simple try to mimic how normal tools would work.You can sort of use it as a layer system. On high-poly meshes, it's a bit laggy though.
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Sculpt projects I've made
Bunch of compressed files with character sculpt projects. And a bit of Blender's sculpting process tips and info.
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Saliva&Sticky stuff

     Small project I made a long time ago and recently updated for Blender 4.2 (EEVEE next). 
     You will need Wigglebones 2 addon for correct work: https://github.com/shteeve3d/blender-wiggle-2
Saliva&sticky_stuff_v1.1.blend5.47 MbDownload
    It's rather simple project and needs some adjustments, but it's ok, I guess. Use in your projects, no credit needed.
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Bowbar anthro male bull rig version 1.4 (20/11/24)

Bowbar is an original character and has no affiliation with any existing ip.
This project is made for Blender 4.2 and higher (EEVEE next and Cycles);
    - Rig was made with the Blenders rigify addon and utilizes standard rigify UI with some changes.
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He’s big and cute! I love him
Felbun, Thank you!
Мощный мужик

Salliviya rig version 1.5 (15/11/24)

Hello! Sorry for being absent for so long, and thank you for supporting me. I'm a bit embarrassed by that fact, but none other than less thankful for your support.
Sincerely, Thank you for your support!
In the next month, I'll be restoring my posting productivity and will release a new character with animations in plans.
Version 1.5
     - Added ripple effect implemented with geonodes, new ripple controller with ripple influance properties. Geonodes modifier enabled by default, should not have much of perforemance impact;
     - New physics simulation system with surface deform proxy mesh in physics collection;
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Чувак крутые анимашки делаешь респект тебе.Реально круто!
Aqua_man, Спасибо!
твою мать ты русский шоле?)) капец все там в твиттере шифруются хрен поймешь кто из какой страны ) 
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Sladdoska, спасибо за репосты бро)) если че вот это я ) будем знакомы ) так сказать)
Anthro 808 avatar for VRchat (PC only)
Unity package with blender files of the avatar (~100k polygons in average, very poor performance).
Including 3 versions (Outfit, SFW, NSFW)
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Big supporter
808 and Anshi models for game engines
Blend file, Unity package, FBX format files both SFW and NSFW models (70 - 80 k polygons)
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Latest animated project
blend file with animation
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Subscription levels

A little tip

$ 0,53 per month
You don't get much, but my thanks.
Thank you!


$ 2,11 per month
You'll get access to WIP's, art tips, and behind the scenes stuff.

Big supporter

$ 5,3 per month
This tier will grant you access to some of my project files and my eternal gratitude!
plus benefits from tiers below.
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