creator cover Enraged Eggplant

Enraged Eggplant

doing GURPS-related writing
Enraged Eggplant
15 of 40 paid subscribers
Fourty subscribers per month is something I doubt I will ever achieve, but a man can dream!

About the creator

I am a GURPS player, GM, and blogger. Typically, I do conversions of D&D and Pathfinder content, but sometimes I delve into other topics.
Money earned from the subscription goes towards purchasing reference material, paying bills, etc.
Thank you for helping me, and I hope that you find my content useful.  
If you need to contact me, you can message me here.

Access Change - Everything is Free Now

Good news, everyone! Everything is now free. If you cancel your subscription, I'm not going to hold it against you. If you do not cancel - I will appreciate your support!

Update Sidebar on the Blog and Contact Info

Well, the Discord channel didn't last long, since Discord got blocked over here. Unless a stable way to circumvent it emerges, I will be unable to check what's going over there and post updates. Posting updates here would get annoying quickly with all the notification emails, so I decided to introduce an update sidebar on the blog where you'll be able to see the updates to GCS libraries and Monstrous Compendium.
In addition, since Discord doesn't work anymore, if you ever need to contact me, you can send me a message here on Boosty, leave a comment on the blog, or contact me on Twitter/X (@EnragedEggplant).
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Are you planning to do anymore conversions from ACKS II? Reading your post actually inspired me to look at the books, and the mechanics are really cool! I do like the in depth economics, and is interesting from the sidebar how they streamlined it from the previous version of ACKS. Love the weather conversion! Keep it up.
hazeforthane, there are indeed quite big plans with regards to that, and there's already more on the way. Next up on the list are the encounter distance mechanics, then dungeon exploration procedure. There's more that I'd like to adapt, but in no particular order.
Hi. I logged onto your Discord, only to discover that you can't use it anymore. I would like to get your custom GCS Libraries, and I see how I can subscribe, but I'm not sure what the procedure is from there. I'm a huge fan of your work. My main focus is fantasy in GURPS, and would like to get whatever library you have for that genre. I read there's a Monster Manual type library, and I think, maybe, a Sorceries library? I want! Money is tight, though, as it is for everyone. What subscription level should I get which would allow me to download selected "fantasy useful" libraries from you? And how do I go about doing that?
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Michael Siciliano, ah, you're flattering me. Thank you! I'm trying to do my best.

GCS Wizardry Libraries

These are the libraries of all my wizardry spells to make character creation easier. Will be updated as new spells are written.
Wizardry Spells.pdf3.43 MbDownload
Wizardry (Clerical).adq10.83 MbDownload
Wizardry Skills.skl7.72 KbDownload
Wizardry.adq9.81 MbDownload
Great stuff Enraged Eggplant. I was wondering if you had a PDF for all your wizardry spells like you do for sorcery below?
hazeforthane, Thanks! Added the pdf.
Where is the Wizardry PDF?
Connor, it seems that I have deleted it accidentally when updating the libraries. It's back up now.

Discord Server

I decided to create a Discord server. Even though I'm not a fan of this platform, it still may be useful for the ease of communication. So, if you'd like to talk all things GURPS, make suggestions, or even help me with my projects, feel free to join! (Well, since now it's blocked, I'll remove the link)

Monstrous Compendium I (Now Public)

All right, let's have some more high-effort content than what I was posting previously. This is the first installment of my unofficial GURPS Monstrous Compendium. The idea is to rework the standard GURPS statblock to make it more useful for the GM. With this format, the GM will have to flip through the books much less, and even when he has to do it, he will have page references to know exactly where to look. For now, the monsters are D&D conversions, but as always, they are not 100% identical to their original versions, as I always rework certain abilities and remove others. Systems are different, game assumptions are different, and some abilities make no sense in GURPS. However, we have to keep in mind that monster lore between different books and editions is different, and sometimes significantly so. Very often, you may encounter contraditions or retcons. For these monsters, I'm trying to do due diligence and combine all lore into a single monster entry. Of course, since contradictions are impossible to avoid, I have to choose what version I like more and sometimes even expand the information with stuff of my own making. So, don't use this manual as "100% D&D canon material," this is just my version.
Monstrous Compendium I (March 16, 2025).pdf8.53 MbDownload
Now that the document is big enough, I am releasing it for the general public for free. The work-in-progress version of MCII will be available for the supporters once I get to it.
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awesome. Great work man
I saw that you just updated MC 1. Are you still thinking of doing MC 2? 
Darby McDonald, yes, I am going to start it in the near future. I have to work some other things out first before I do.

GCS Psionics Library (Eggplant)

This is different from the RAW Psionics library that I posted earlier. This one includes all my houserules (some powers do not exist anymore, some were merged, some split, some got new limitations, etc.) and all psionic abilities from my blog.
Psionics (Eggplant).adq4.37 MbDownload
Psionics Skills (Eggplant).skl224.97 KbDownload
Thanks for all you do Egg!

GCS Psionics Library (RAW)

When I wanted to build a certain psionic monster in GCS, I found out that the Psionic Powers library that GCS has is something of a hack job. Instead of giving you full ability builds, you are given abilities are prebuilt packages that you cannot adjust. Thus, I decided to make a proper library myself. Now, you can take any psionic ability and adjust it in any way you'd like.
However, you may notice some differences in point costs. Most of them are related to how GURPS Psionic Powers calculates costs for abilities that deal partial dice of damage. The book intentionally omits one step of rounding, which isn't something you can do in GCS. What you see in this library is what it is supposed to cost with proper rounding. In most cases, the difference is very minor, but sometimes it is noticeable. In certain other cases, the costs are different because the book has miscalculations. Later on, I'm planning to create a library for my own psionic abilities with all the houserules and new/altered stuff.
Psionics (RAW).adq4.00 MbDownload

GCS Monster Library

Have you ever wanted to simply take a ready-made monster statblock from the blog and modify it in GCS? Or simply import it into Foundry and have your player character fight it? Now you can. Well, sort of, because this batch does not contain all the monsters, but merely some of them. Some made by me, some made by one of the subscribers (Egor Shaposhnikov; big thanks to him!)
In the future, I (or we) will expand this library further.
Update (March 12, 2024): many new sheets
Update (February 11, 2024): many new sheets, some edits to the old ones
Update (December 26, 2023): updated some of the sheets, added many new ones (see the changelog file)
Monster Library (March 12, 2024).rar1.96 MbDownload
Big and ugly fan. Happy to support you efforts and talent. You keep being classy
Rob Stout, thanks! Your support is appreciated!

GCS Occupational Templates

Occupational Templates (October 26, 2022).rar175.79 KbDownload
This archive contains GCS files for the occupational templates from my blog. At this moment, only templates for the core 11 D&D classes are present, but I will convert the rest later.
Thanks Eggplant!
Спасибо за твой тяжелый труд, я представляю, сколько это занимает времени)
Егор Шапошников, 
Thank you for your support! It sure does take a lot of time and effort, but I do not consider it work - I enjoy doing all this.

Sorcery Compilation Document and Library

This post contains a compilation document of all my Sorcery spells, a spreadsheet for colleges and costs, and a GCS library. Will be kept updated.
Spells (Sorcery) (May 11, 2024).pdf6.20 MbDownload
Spells (Sorcery) (May 11, 2024).xlsx235.08 KbDownload
Sorcery Spells.adq18.42 MbDownload
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As a tip for how to use these spells, players can create a "Trait Container" in a character sheet in GCS, called Spells. Pick "Alternative Abilities" as the "Container Type". Then, put your Sorcerous Empowerment in the container. Next, drag any spell from Eggplant's library into the container. The _container_ will assess the Sorcery discount of 80% (1/5 cost) because Sorcery is based on Alternative Abilities in GURPS. The _container_'s total will be correct, but you will still see full point values for spells _inside_ the container.
Thanks for all the work you've done. I and my players are immensely grateful for your efforts and persistence)

Subscription levels

Official Patron

$ 1,25 per month
At this level, you are supporting me and allowing me to purchase reference material and pay bills. Thank you!

An Even Bigger Patron

$ 2,5 per month
At this level, not only you are supporting me financially, but you can also make requests. I can convert or stat up a creature, spell, or ability - whatever you want.

The Absolute Madman

$ 6,3 per month
At this level, you support me financially, can make requests, and also... gain nothing else, everything is free.

An Extremely Generous Sponsor

$ 12,5 per month
Same as before, but for people who really have nothing better to spend money on. In any case, I appreciate your support a lot!
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