Enraged Eggplant
Enraged Eggplant
36 подписчиков
12 из 40 платных подписчиков
Fourty subscribers per month is something I doubt I will ever achieve, but a man can dream!

Discord Server

I decided to create a Discord server. Even though I'm not a fan of this platform, it still may be useful for the ease of communication. So, if you'd like to talk all things GURPS, make suggestions, or even help me with my projects, feel free to join!

Уровни подписки

Official Patron

$ 1,14 в месяц
At this level, you are supporting me and allowing me to purchase reference material and pay bills. Thank you!

An Even Bigger Patron

$ 2,27 в месяц
At this level, not only you are supporting me financially, but you can also make requests. I can convert or stat up a creature, spell, or ability - whatever you want.

The Absolute Madman

$ 5,7 в месяц
At this level, you support me financially, can make requests, and also gain access to exclusive compilation documents and GCS libraries.

An Extremely Generous Sponsor

$ 11,4 в месяц
Same as before, but for people who really have nothing better to spend money on. In any case, I appreciate your support a lot!