creator cover sandexperiment


Sand Artist, Twitch Broadcaster
4 of 20 paid subscribers
I want to get 20 Sandworms per month and I will start filming more sand art lessons.

About the creator

Hi, it's me, Anna the Sand Witch! Me and my 400 kg of sand are happy to see you here! I have been drawing with sand since 2014. I never planned to be an artist, but sand won my heart somehow. I started streaming on Twitch on 2016 and shortly we built community of sand enthusiasts all over the world. I became partnered with Twitch in 2017 and since then sand art is my only job.
I draw requests from viewers, perform sand art shows live, build sand mandalas, experiment with all kinds of art styles translating them into the language of sand! I believe that my mission is to provide wholesome relaxing content and inspire people to be more creative. 
Welcome to the sand world! 
Thank you for supporting my streams in March!
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Look what I found!

I found some storyboards I totally forgot about. Looks like I was brainstorming a Christmas event a couple of years ago, and this picture was a part of it. What a masterpiece! :D
I want to learn more about this whimsical, skateboard-riding cat's life.
that's a funny oneBeamingFace

Botanical Bas-relief Workshop: no sand, but clay, gypsum, and flowers.

This month I learned a new art technique called botanical bas-relief. It was so nice and relaxing to do, so I thought I would share it here, even though it's not sand related.
Here are the steps we went through: First, we got a piece of clay. We had to knead it to the approximate shape we wanted our artwork to be. It can be any shape; it doesn't really matter. My friend wanted an irregular shape, reminding her of the shapes of the Dali liquid clock from that famous painting "The Persistence of Memory." I wanted to make just a circle.
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will you do these bad reliefs on stream, even though they're not sand related?
Neptune the 23rd, I am not planning on streaming it in the near future, I don't have the materials. Maybe at some point, as a special event...
You say it doesn't require any art background, but your composition shows your experience!
4 sands - 1 show! We are here for experiments!
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Sandbidextrous adventure: 4 weeks on, first results.

It's been a month since the start of the experiment. I don't see much progress, but I rather FEEL IT. My muscles are less shaky, moves are more steady and I can feel the sand in my left hand much better than before. I am not sure if you can see the difference. But here are my numbres written by two hands at once at the beginning of February: 
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Thank you for supporting my streams in February.
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How long until AI will replace me?

I asked Bing to generate me a picture of an artist drawing with sand on a light box. It looked pretty well, but all four generations had mandala as an art sample. 
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It's nice. It looks good. but no bot can do what you do, Anna.
I don't know why but I found this whole post so interesting ExplodingHead
Didn't see mandalas being associated so strongly with it, but the prompts and results were so neat!
Tyrane, it helps me see how much information algorithm has about sand art. And so far it's mostly mandalas and sand sculpture. It probably means that sand art on a light box is still pretty rare and doesn't have much online presence at least in the sourses they use for training the bots. 🙂
Ok, this is silly!
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Why it's so bloody hard to draw hands?

 As I started drawing with sand with no prior experience in art, I found myself intimidated by drawing hands pretty quickly. The question from the title I addressed to my sandy Boss (the head of sand art and art therapy studio). She was not an artists by degree too, she was a brilliant phycologist. Her answer I remember to this day. She said: "Maybe it's because you see your hands every single day, they are right here, in front of your eyes, all the time. So you know for sure how they SHOULD look, therefore when the hands are not pictured right, you see it right away, even if you are not an artist".
 Our hands have so many little joints and muscles, so many moving parts and surfaces. Great job, nature, what a wonderful piece of engineering! It's not enough to draw what I see, when I am drawing hands, I also need to remember how they move and function, if I want to draw them somewhat close to reality.
 Here is the graphite drawing I did in the art studio while studying the anatomy of hands. I am happy to admit that it's my second attempt. When my teacher game me the task to draw the hand, my sketch was not even close, and I was nearly crying from desperation. I got back to the task a few months later and - nailed it!
 I am also happy to inform you that at some point I was so distracted on the stream while drawing hands, that I drew 6 fingers on one palm.
That's so damn cool!
Streaming is easy, they said...
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Subscription levels


$ 5,1 per month
 - Playlists of my previous streams (IRL, Gaming, Special Events)
 - Album with the best (or the silliest) pictures of the month. 
 - Special posts for Sandworms (life updates, backstage, art experiments, tips for your art practice)
- Monthly polls for special streams / Special requests for Sandworms
Thank you for joining!

Sand Monster

$ 25,4 per month
- All from Sand Worm level
- Recordings of my Sand Shows (full versions, first release in October)
- Eventually: sand art lessons (TBA) 
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