20 подписчиков
4 из 20 платных подписчиков
I want to get 20 Sandworms per month and I will start filming more sand art lessons.

Sandbidextrous adventure: 4 weeks on, first results.

It's been a month since the start of the experiment. I don't see much progress, but I rather FEEL IT. My muscles are less shaky, moves are more steady and I can feel the sand in my left hand much better than before. I am not sure if you can see the difference. But here are my numbres written by two hands at once at the beginning of February: 
And now:
The size of the numbers and the quality of the lines are more consistent.
Last time I also tried drawing little pictures with both hands. And look! I am getting somewhere!
Let's see what the next month will bring! 

Уровни подписки


$ 5,1 в месяц
 - Playlists of my previous streams (IRL, Gaming, Special Events)
 - Album with the best (or the silliest) pictures of the month. 
 - Special posts for Sandworms (life updates, backstage, art experiments, tips for your art practice)
- Monthly polls for special streams / Special requests for Sandworms
Thank you for joining!

Sand Monster

$ 25,5 в месяц
- All from Sand Worm level
- Recordings of my Sand Shows (full versions, first release in October)
- Eventually: sand art lessons (TBA) 