20 подписчиков
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I want to get 20 Sandworms per month and I will start filming more sand art lessons.

How long until AI will replace me?

I asked Bing to generate me a picture of an artist drawing with sand on a light box. It looked pretty well, but all four generations had mandala as an art sample. 
I gave the same request to Russian app Shedevrum. I got horrible fingers (classic!) and almost no light box in sight. But there is something like volcano here. 
I desided to simpify my prompt to just "Drawing with sand on a light box" . Bing got it almost right at least on one picture. Except pencils are not my usual tools. 
But there was also a picture suggesting that a sand artist should have at least two right hands... 
Shedevrum went to a totally different direction. You can see that it's really trying. 
Ok, what if our prompt will be just "sand art". Bing knows only sand art as sculptures on the beach and only in the form of mandala. Something like this. 
Shedevrum gives us more variety once again, but the pictures are vague. The bot knows about sand castles, but it decided to draw a really grim one for some reasons. Also, what's up with this mud in the spooky forest? 
I asked Bing how to draw with sand. The instructions were unclear. The only thing I know is you need to skip steps 4 and 7, but repeat steps 6 and 8 twice. Reminds me instructions to my German visa paperwork. 
And finally let me present you a picture of a typical sand artist. 
Looks like algoritm doesn't know much about sand art on a light box yet. My job is safe for now. 🙂 Yaay. 
It's nice. It looks good. but no bot can do what you do, Anna.
I don't know why but I found this whole post so interesting ExplodingHead
Didn't see mandalas being associated so strongly with it, but the prompts and results were so neat!
Tyrane, it helps me see how much information algorithm has about sand art. And so far it's mostly mandalas and sand sculpture. It probably means that sand art on a light box is still pretty rare and doesn't have much online presence at least in the sourses they use for training the bots. 🙂

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$ 5,1 в месяц
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Sand Monster

$ 25,4 в месяц
- All from Sand Worm level
- Recordings of my Sand Shows (full versions, first release in October)
- Eventually: sand art lessons (TBA) 