обложка автора sandexperiment


Sand Artist, Twitch Broadcaster
4 из 20 платных подписчиков
I want to get 20 Sandworms per month and I will start filming more sand art lessons.

Об авторе

Hi, it's me, Anna the Sand Witch! Me and my 400 kg of sand are happy to see you here! I have been drawing with sand since 2014. I never planned to be an artist, but sand won my heart somehow. I started streaming on Twitch on 2016 and shortly we built community of sand enthusiasts all over the world. I became partnered with Twitch in 2017 and since then sand art is my only job.
I draw requests from viewers, perform sand art shows live, build sand mandalas, experiment with all kinds of art styles translating them into the language of sand! I believe that my mission is to provide wholesome relaxing content and inspire people to be more creative. 
Welcome to the sand world! 

Уровни подписки


$ 5,1 в месяц
 - Playlists of my previous streams (IRL, Gaming, Special Events)
 - Album with the best (or the silliest) pictures of the month. 
 - Special posts for Sandworms (life updates, backstage, art experiments, tips for your art practice)
- Monthly polls for special streams / Special requests for Sandworms
Thank you for joining!

Sand Monster

$ 25,4 в месяц
- All from Sand Worm level
- Recordings of my Sand Shows (full versions, first release in October)
- Eventually: sand art lessons (TBA) 