creator cover RSC/SimVimX


Information about RSC/SimVimX simulator project

About the creator

This hobby blog was created for flight simulator enthusiasts and especially those who want to build their own home cockpit simulator based on our own RSC/SimVImX system and X-Plane flight simulator.
RSC/SimVImX is a powerful free single controller system that allows you to connect over 500 switches/buttons, about 1000 LEDs, dozens of displays and sensors - everything you need to create any complex panel for your home simulator.
Vlad / Roman
Привет всем! Этот хобби-блог создан для энтузиастов авиасимуляторов, тех, кто хочет построить свой собственный домашний симулятор кабины на основе моей системы RSC/SimVImX и симулятора X-Plane.
RSC/SimVImX - это мощный бесплатный интерфейс который позволяет подключить к одному котроллеру Mega2560 до 500 переключателей/кнопок, порядка 1000 светодиодов, десятки дисплеев и приборов — все, что вам нужно для создания панели любой сложностии для вашего домашнего симулятора.
Donations:  There are no paid levels of subscription, but anytime you want to show your appreciation, you can use the "Send tip" link (at the left side or under any post) to send  a small one-time donation with no obligations on my part.

Донаты: Здесь нет платных уровней подписки, платных услуг и продуктов.
то просто информационно-новостная страница.
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New release date

The expected release date for new updates has been postponed.
I have overestimated the completion time for all the updates described in previous post, this will take a little longer, partly due to some circumstances.

Of the new features described, everything is basically ready, for example, I finished the part where users can select a file from several configurations saved on the server under their account, in addition to the options of creating a new configuration file or downloading it from their computer.

In the same way, you can select previously created and saved on the server conversions for different aircraft and continue editing them. In the future, we will consider online collaboration  when creating conversions if enough users request it, or it may be easier to create a dedicated section in a new forum.

The feature of separate configurations for different planes has been tested and works. All you need to do when creating a configuration in the config tool is to name it exactly like the aircraft folder, for example Diamond DA62v2.cfg.
The same is for the separate aircraft conversion files - tested, works fine. In addition, the file is now simpler, with a line-by-line layout.

We will try to finish all this in 1-2 weeks.

Also, I want to mention about one more addition to the system (not in the next release, but maybe in the one after that) - we are planning to add a slave board with user code. This board will receive raw output from the plugin through the master board and will only contain a small communication portion of our code.
You can do the rest yourself, adding the code needed for your output devices if the existing capabilities are not enough, for example, to connect some displays that are not supported by SimVimX (graphical displays, custom displays, etc.)

Upcoming Updates

To the end of this month (November) I plan to release completely reworked configuration tool and converter.

What's new:

1.  The new configurator interface

It will be radically simplified, much easier to use and more intuitively understandable, it will include all possible settings for configuration:
- more functions that are implemented in the plugin, but still were not included in current config tool, will be available now.

2. Multiple data config files support:

Each plane now may have its own config file, which will be  loaded automatically when the specific aircraft model is launched.
All config files are located in the SimVimX plugin folder.

3. The conversion tool will be modified too:

- In the new converter you will be able to create a separate conversion file for each specific plane model and save in in the related plugin folder [conv].
- The conversion file format is  modified to simple text file.
Note: if the conversion for this plane is already included into SimVimX plugin, it takes priority.

4. In addition, I plan (again) to launch the forum for the community on the website, I currently work on its structure, in particular, there will be the "User gallery"  category, custom conversions download, etc.
(I still in doubt thinking about the correct structure and registration rules ...)

SimVimX plugin v2.19 and Firmware v.54

A new version of the plugin has been released, along with a firmware update for the master board and the LCD board. The master firmware will be updated automatically as long as you are using USB for connection, but the LCD firmware needs to be updated manually.
New is this version:
-  Added a new configured type for 20x4 LCD.
-  Improved electric trim functions - the corresponding plugin functions are used to enable/disable the trim encoder on the firmware side when the autopilot controls the trim, allowing free control of any other encoder while the trim wheel is rotated by a DC motor.
-  Fixed the bug with the LED Bar Graph indicator - if the N-position indicator was assigned to the outputs that started in the first register (or the first half of a DM13A LED driver) and ends in the next register (or driver half), and there were no other LEDs assigned after that indicator, it worked incorrectly, showing only the beginning part of the bar.
-  Added support for LCD bar graph. Now some of the variable parameters (such as engine RPM, Flaps or Trim position) can be assigned to LCD and displayed as continuous bar graphs of any given length (from 2 to 40).
-  7-segment displays built with DM13A or 74HC595 registers can now have more than 1 parameter assigned to them. Unlike other displays, offset is set from the left side for them.
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Hello everyone!
I have closed my RSC Boosty blog with paid subscription levels, now this blog will be used for RSC/SimVimX news. It is intended for RSC/SimVImX project followers and does not have any paid tiers and paid services/products. Only the "Send Tip" button on the left side is available for unconditional donations.
Thank you!

В настоящий момент я закрыл свой RSC блог Boosty с платной подпиской, теперь этот блог будет использоваться для новостей проекта RSC/SimVimX.
Он предназначен для фолловеров и не имееет каких-либо платных уровней и платных услуг и продуктов. Только  кнопка «Отправить Донат» слева доступна для разовых безусловных донатов.
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SimVimPanel v5.0

The latest SimVimPanel update is finished, which introduces major changes to the way panel modules are organized and how panel positioning and scaling are set up, as well as improving panel lighting controls.
Changes summary:
- Different module types with different functionality - for those who use SimVimPanel in their full cockpits with cover panels and instrument cutouts, and for those who want to use it as a virtual panel with full graphics (panel backgrounds, switch panels).
- One module file can now include multiple panel configurations / parts, with the ability to quickly switch between them.
- Instead of setting up precise monitor width, you can now simply adjust the scale of your panel with hotkeys at any time in the "setup" mode.
- Positioning mode for instrument-only panels displays reference outlines for easier positioning and scaling, and allows setting offset for individual instruments.
- Position and scale, as well as individual instrument offsets, are now automatically saved for each module individually.
All current panel modules need to be updated to make full use of the new features.
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