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Почитать руководителю. Как всех надурил автор книги Think and Grow Rich Наполеон Хилл

В прошлый раз мы поделились с вами заметками из известной книги об успехе и богатстве Наполеона Хилла:
А теперь продолжение истории. В 2016 году Гизмодо выпустил статью, где рассказывается, что Хилл был знатным проходимцем и в основном всё придумал 🙃
Hill was a charlatan through and through. In fact, there’s no evidence whatsoever that Hill met President Wilson or President Roosevelt, let alone acted as a trusted advisor to both. There’s little evidence Hill ever met any famous person he claimed was an inspiration for his work, outside of Thomas Edison. But we’ll get to that later.
Hill’s most infamous claim was that he met and interviewed at length the industrialist Andrew Carnegie in 1908—the richest man in the world at the time. Hill said that Carnegie tasked him with interviewing the most successful men in business and learning the secrets to their success. But Hill only started making this claim long after Carnegie had died in 1919. Hill spent the 1920s telling of his great mission from Carnegie, and went on to write an entire book detailing his conversations with Carnegie.
The Untold Story of Napoleon Hill, the Greatest Self-Help Scammer of All Time

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