creator cover Evgeny Hontor

Evgeny Hontor

Artist, sculptor
Evgeny Hontor
33 of 3 000 paid subscribers
I will have more opportunities to do big creative projects, not just full-time creative work. Maybe I can write a book.
112.04 of $ 227 money raised
To buy and study new materials. Now I am very interested in other types of clay for modeling.
117.94 of $ 114 money raised
On the artbook of Walton Ford, one of my favorite artists. Artists' books inspire me a lot, but now it's a luxury that I can't afford for nothing.

About the creator

Hi everyone!
I am an artist and sculptor from Russia. I have been drawing since childhood and have been sculpting since 2006.
I like fantasy and science fiction, wildlife and space. I am a crazy fan of xenomorphs, but my attitude towards them is different from the generally accepted one.
In 2022, due to tragic events, my Etsy shop was closed, like all other shops from Russia. I accept it, but I need to move on and build my world anew.
I don't know if this blog will be my new home, or just a temporary home. But I am grateful to everyone who is ready to support me in this difficult time.
All my subscribers will regularly receive exclusive content. Secrets of painting and sculpture, digital files (tutorials, patterns), digital coloring, high quality art for self-printing.
The minimum subscription price is 150 rubles (about two US dollars). But I would be pleased if you increase the subscription price. This will give me more room to be creative.
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Or use PM here. 
Attention! Please check your privacy settings when sending messages. I often find myself unable to reply to your messages because your default privacy settings don't allow it!
For your convenience, I have added navigation. I am also working on the FAQ, will add this soon as well.

Subscription levels

Just support me

$ 1,7 per month
A little support so that I can pay more attention to creativity.
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