What to do if you have problems with payment?
Unfortunately, this is the only way to accept payments here in Russia. And it doesn't always work without problems. What should I do if the payment for a subscription or a post does not go through?
1. Try to copy the link to another browser or open it on another device.
Sometimes this solves all problems at once. Sometimes problems may be due to the language of the site, please switch to English in advance.
2. Check that the correct card payment method is selected. Make sure your bank card is connected to 3D secure. If not, please try another card or another available payment method.
3. Sometimes the payment goes through once, and then the problems begin. Try to link the same card again.
Please make sure that:
— you've chosen the right payment service (NOT for russian cards);
— if you previously managed to register your card but it doesn't work,
try to add a new card or delete and then enter your card information
— your bank didn't on 3D-secure. Call your bank and ask if they can
turn it on.
If it doesn't work:
— call their support or try to send small cast ($1 or $2). If small
cash works, it means that it is a card error.
—Make sure that the operation on your part is carried out not in rubles, but in dollars. Choose to pay in dollars if the system gives you this option.
If none of the above works, try this:
—First, try making the payment again, and call your bank to approve the transaction. Sometimes this works. After calling the bank, unlink your payment details, then relink them and try again. I recommend filling in all the data manually, not automatically, one of my customers had a secret in this.
—You can also try a different card, or a card linked to PayPal. Some people work with a credit card, some with a debit card.
—If possible, you can also ask a close friend or family member to do the same.
—If none of this works, please PM me. We have another backup option, but we use it as a last resort.
I hope this helps you deal with technical difficulties!
WARNING! I won't see any information about your address, because Boosty's service receives the payment, not me directly! You definitely need to write all the information by emai DemiurgusDreams@gmail.com or in private messages here (or better, both there and there!)