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Dmitry Orlov

C l u b O r l o v | ideas to blow your mind
Dmitry Orlov
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Make way for billionaires!

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Trump's presidential entourage (the term "cabinet" seems rather limited in scope) includes quite an assemblage of billionaires. The list includes Elon Musk ($363 billion), Donald Himself ($6.3 billion), Warren Stephens ($3.4 billion), Linda McMahon ($3 billion), Jared Isaacman ($1.7 billion), Howard Lutnick ($1.5 billion), Doug Burgum ($1.1 billion), Vivek Ramaswamy ($1 billion), Steven Witkoff ($1 billion) and Scott Bessent (fortune unknown, assumed huge). This assemblage of very wealthy individuals seeing political appointments is completely unprecedented in the annals of US presidential administrations.
Musk is the obvious outlier, since he is wealthier than all of the rest combined by a huge margin, but it is notable that they are all billionaires. Why are giant overstuffed bags of money drawn to Trump like moths to the flame? What might motivate them to pick up the fallen flag of government service and march forth? What do they hope to gain? What do they fear to lose?
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In short clips of Musk talking he seems highly intelligent, but in long ones he seems very mediocre. Also he displays an attitude of superiority....Thoughts? :-) 
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Dmitry Orlov, funny. I hope someone comes along to pick up where Nima left off. I appreciate your perspective, information, knowledge. Thank you sir!ClappingHands
Dimitry Orlov
Who in the world is a competent interviewer?

Bienvenue dans ce 2nd trimestre du XXIème siècle

Comment se fait-il que le passage à l’an 2000 était censé être un événement bouleversant, alors que le passage du premier quart du XXIe siècle est généralement considéré comme un non-événement ? Et ce, en dépit du fait que le monde a changé de manière spectaculaire et que cela est devenu évident au moment où le calendrier s’est approché de la ligne de démarcation entre le premier et le deuxième « trimestre » du XXIème siècle ? Je me contenterai ici d’énumérer quelques changements évidents qui se sont produits. Pour de nombreuses personnes dans le monde, ces changements sont évidents, tandis que d’autres se complaisent dans le déni. Voici un top 10 de ce à quoi je pense que nous devrions nous attendre au cours du deuxième trimestre du XXIème siècle.
1. Les États-Unis ne seront plus une puissance industrielle mondiale. Ils resteront une puissance régionale, mais il est difficile de prédire pour combien de temps. La production industrielle américaine a stagné depuis le début du siècle, alors que d’autres pays ont fait un bond en avant. La production industrielle américaine a augmenté de 10 % depuis le passage à l’an 2000 et de 0 % depuis 2019. Pendant ce temps, depuis le début du siècle, la Chine a connu une croissance de près de 1 000 %, la Russie de plus de 200 % et l’Inde de plus de 320 %. Les pays dits « développés » (États-Unis et Europe occidentale) n’ont pas connu de croissance depuis 2019. Les économies d’Europe occidentale ont toutes atteint leur pic en 2007-2008, à l’exception de l’Allemagne, qui a atteint son apogée en 2017. L’Italie est le patient le plus malade du groupe, sa production industrielle ayant diminué d’un quart depuis le début du siècle.
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Welcome to Q2 XXI

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Why is it that Y2K was supposed to have been an earth-shattering event whereas the passing of the first quarter of the 21st century is commonly seen as a nonevent? This in spite of the fact that the world has changed dramatically and that this is something that has become plain to see just as the calendar approached the dividng line between Q1 and Q2 XXI? Here I will just list out some obvious changes that have occurred. For many people around the world these are obvious while others languish in denial. Here is a top-10 list of what I think we should expect in Q2 XXI.
1. The US will no longer be an industrial world power. It will still be a regional power but it is hard to predict for how long. US industrial production has treaded water since the turn of the century while other nations have leaped ahead. US industrial production grew by 10% since Y2K and by 0% since 2019. Meanwhile, starting from the turn of the century, China grew by close to 1000%, Russia by over 200%, India by over 320%. So-called "developed nations" (US and Western Europe) have not grown at all since 2019. Western European economies all peaked in 2007-8 except for Germany which peaked in 2017. Italy is the sickest patient of the bunch, its industrial production having decreased by a quarter so far this century.
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Excellent summary, the banquet of consequences is being served to the combined west. The west's reliance on services accelerated as financialisation hollowed out industry, all the while there was a process of population replacement; these were economic migrants and as prospects fade I'm wondering if these same people won't up and leave returning to their former homelands...Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Africa, etc.
Steven Trigg, people who have no intention of working aren't exactly economic. Once Europe is broke and can't pay them, they'll probably move on to the US. I am sure the Ukrainians will do so, especially since there won't be a Ukraine for them to go back to.
Excellent, Dmitry! Not sure the us won’t be back on track, thanks to the new populist-tech alliance that put Trump in power (everything works in cycles, and a us rebound is possible), but your other predictions are unfortunately very probable, especially for the poor Europe. I really liked your Ia prediction :-) Thanks for all your insights and have a great year :-)
Négocier à partir d'une position d'insignifiance
La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est que les Américains finiront par payer pour les crimes commis par leur gouvernement.
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Negotiating from a Position of Irrelevance
The bad news is that Americans will eventually have to pay for the crimes committed by their government.
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L'Oreshnik russe : pas nucléaire mais atomique
Oreshnik n'est donc pas un dispositif nucléaire, puisque son fonctionnement n'endommage en rien les noyaux atomiques.
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Russia's "Oreshnik": not nuclear but atomic
Russia's military is unlikely to divulge its secrets any time soon — at least not before coming up with an even more awesome weapon.
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Au diable la géopolitique
Avec le départ d'Assad, la guerre civile en Syrie risque fort de reprendre. Il était le bouchon de cette bouteille pleine d'enfer.
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To Hell with Geopolitics
There aren't any Russians in Syria, so why should Russia care? I'll leave answering this question as an exercise for the reader.
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Aller au-delà du nucléaire
Dans une fusillade avec des Américains, il faut viser leur portefeuille.
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