обложка автора BowieD


создаёт программы и локализации игр

Об авторе

Я создаю софт для игр по типу Unturned, ну или просто для себя :)
Иногда рисую :)))
Мои проекты:
[Программа] - Unturned NPC Maker - Открыть на GitHub
[Программа] - Unturned Asset Editor
[Программа] - Unturned ID Table Generator - Открыть на GitHub
[Плагин Unturned Rocket] - AssetExpander - Открыть на GitHub
[Мод Fallout 4] - Исправленный русский перевод - Открыть на NexusMods
[Моя первая игра для "Game Off 2020"] - Открыть на
[Игра для "Mouse Mouse Mouse" Game Jam] - Открыть на
[Игра для "Paint Jam 2021" Game Jam] - Открыть на
Asset Editor v0.0.13-alpha (Early Access)
Asset Editor v0.0.13-alpha includes foliage editor, Unturned support and quality of life changes!
Нужен уровень:
Tier 3 - Epic

May 2024 Devlog #16

Guys, I swear - college is something else..
Sounds weird to repeat myself from the last devlog, but again, sorry for not updating Asset Editor in April. I was busy with college final exams (last year, yuppie!), which I, not to brag, aced! But you're interested in Asset Editor, not this, right? So let's get right to it.
Added support for Unturned
I know, I know, it sounds really really bad, to say I only now added support for, right after released. But is not actually a big release, just a map, no big changes to the game. Let's discuss those changes.
New conditions and rewards
New condition "Player Life (Stamina)" allows you to check for player stamina. Not that crazy, but okay. Rewards, on the other hand, are a bit more interesting. You can now change player's stamina with "Player Life (Stamina)" reward, which is more useful. There's also rewards list reward (that's a mouthful), which allows you to give player either a spawn table item, or random reward. That is really great! Cutscene mode reward is also quite interesting, but only for those who make storyline cutscenes.
Reward list
New asset type "Rewards" is now here. It can be used to give random rewards when player enters a volume on the map, or by giving it via new reward type in quests.
Читать далее
[APRIL FOOLS] Asset Editor Early Access Build CUTE EDITION
Your favorite app, now cute!
Нужен уровень:
Tier 3 - Epic

March 2024 Devlog #15 (+DEMO UPDATE)

A bit late is better than never I guess?
First and foremost - sorry for not updating Asset Editor last month, since I was busy with college I didn't have that much time for Asset Editor. There were some changes ready, but I didn't feel like it was deserving its own release. Now, after 2 months, I can show new exciting changes to Asset Editor, that will allow for even better quality of life.
Clothing locking
Now you can lock clothing and appearance to re-roll only the ones you want. Say you want to use a specific shirt, but don't know which pants to choose. So you lock shirt, hit re-roll and shirt will stay intact, while other parts will re-roll. You can lock however many parts you want.
Drag & Drop
Sometimes you just don't want to type out IDs manually, and opening an asset selector is just too cumbersome. You can now drag & drop assets to asset input boxes!
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Asset Editor v0.0.12-alpha (Early Access)
Asset Editor v0.0.12-alpha full changelog and download of early access version!
Нужен уровень:
Tier 3 - Epic
Asset Editor v0.0.11-alpha (Early Access)
This post contains an update of Asset Editor (v0.0.11-alpha)
Нужен уровень:
Tier 3 - Epic
Asset Editor v0.0.10-alpha (Early Access)
This post contains Early Access build of the Asset Editor v0.0.10-alpha.
Нужен уровень:
Tier 3 - Epic

December 2023 Devlog #14 (+DEMO UPDATE)

Merry Christmas, everyone! I bring you new Asset Editor update!
BowieD.Unturned.AssetEditor.exe21.14 MbСкачать
Demo Changes
This update brings object asset type to the demo build of the app! Since we're approaching the moment when all asset types will be implemented in the app fully, it's time I start bringing some stuff from full version to the demo as well! Please note, that the object editor will mostly likely be changed in the future.
Читать далее
Asset Editor v0.0.9-alpha (Early Access)
This post contains v0.0.9-alpha update of Asset Editor, available for subscribers.
Нужен уровень:
Tier 3 - Epic

Уровни подписки

Tier 1 - Uncommon

$ 0,71 в месяц
Thank you for your support!
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Tier 2 - Rare

$ 2,13 в месяц
Your name will be displayed in the app!
+ чат

Tier 3 - Epic

$ 3,6 в месяц
Early Access!
You get everything previous tier gets, as well as early access to closed alpha test of the app.
+ чат

Tier 4 - Legendary

$ 5,9 в месяц
Early Early Access (what)
You get everything previous tier gets, but earlier by a week
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Tier 5 - Mythical

$ 11,8 в месяц
are you insane? thanks!
You get literally everything that i have to offer right now to subscribers. I appreciate your support wholeheartedly!
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