Improved Gangs War

The mod adds improvements for Gangs War, namely:
1. Improved spawn - The enemy gang is now spawning not far from the player, there is also a distance control system between the player and the enemy, which does not allow the enemy to escape from the combat zone. You've probably noticed that enemies have appeared far beyond the combat zone and run in circles there, forcing you to expect them to appear, because the player can't get far from the zone, nothing like that will happen with this mod!;
2. The ability to jump over obstacles - the enemies have become smarter and you can't just hide behind the fence from them!;
3. Body armor - Enemy fighters are given body armor (both visually and technically). The amount of armor and the probability of issuing a bulletproof vest depend on the wave;
4. Accelerated running - Enemies can run faster (configurable in .ini), and in any case, their running speeds up a little when they are far from the player.