Silina Dragon
Silina Dragon
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Floating Island

The art challenge is ready. :3
Honestly, once upon a time there was also an idea of a floating island, and there should have been two characters on it.
Now this idea has come to life. There are Stakes and Forces on the island. Kol as a reflection of the author, part-time mascot of the world of the Forbidden Garden, and Silina, the heroine who, together with me, began her journey of existence into the creative world.
Why the sunset? It's not even that it's very beautiful, it's just a kind of symbolism for bygone days. For the days that the author misses very much, for the communication that brought joy.
But those days are gone, the author will miss them greatly. I can't even say if those who are associated with those days will read this post, after all, a lot has happened, how much time has passed, and the VK itself is a little naughty.)
But those days will always remain there, in the very depths of the dragon's heart. 💟

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