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May-June 2024 Status Update

Hey everyone, since it seems like PayPal won't be coming back to Boosty anytime soon, I decided to set up an alternative donation page on Hipolink, which you can use here:
(UPD: right after making this post they added an actual tipping functionality which can be accessed either through a widget on the main Hipolink page, or via the link below)
I will continue using Boosty and you can still use a card to donate here, but if you're having issues donating on Boosty or wish to use PayPal, you can use the link above to do that, just change the "price" of the listing to the amount you wish to donate.
Thank you all for your continuous support, and I hope to become more active again soon!
A lot of things have been happening lately which is why I haven't been able to draw much, including a minor medical emergency (not actually related to the issues I've been having previously) and a few things that are too personal for me to talk about. As such I've mostly been focusing on commissions to pay my bills, but maybe eventually things will calm down enough for me to draw more frequently again.
I recently switched to a newer version of Photoshop which seems to have fixed the issues I was having with brush strokes, so it definitely made drawing a lot more enjoyable (among other quality of life features), so I will try to pick up the pace once I'm finally able to concentrate. Until then, thank you for sticking around with me for so long!

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