creator cover Hind


Art of (un)original characters
2 422.97 of $ 12 468 money raised
You can use this option to make a one-time donation

About the creator

I’m Hind, an amateur artist with a variety of interests, mostly drawing my original characters in different scenarios.
This page will act as my donation box as well as a personal blog for status updates.
Note: Hipolink can also be used as an alternative way to donate.
A few useful notes:
- The "Send tip" option lets you send a message along with your donation, the "Goals" option doesn't.
- If the payment gets stuck, check if your bank is blocking the transaction or wants to verify it. Sometimes splitting a donation into smaller ones or trying again later might help.
- Unfortunately I am unable to refund payments due to economic sanctions and how the service operates, so make sure to doublecheck the amount you're sending.
- Don't worry if your bill mentions a different company like Mygames or My(dot)com, those are just the parent companies behind Boosty.

February 2025 Status Update

Hey everyone, it's been a busy month, but for once it's been busy in a good way. Most of it was working on commissions or various art trades, but I'm slowly starting to draw outside of that too.
Pictured: Sonya, my original character
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Start of 2025 Status Update

Hey everyone, sorry for being quiet once again. A few things have happened, most important one being that I now have a Telegram channel as another means of following me and (hopefully) being more up-to-date with what I'm up to:
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October-November 2024 Status Update

Hey everyone. As always, the moment I think things have finally calmed down something inevitably happens, and the past two months have been incredibly stressful for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, I try to carry on.
Pictured: Autumn, my original character
Near the end of September there were news that Discord might get banned here. Sure enough, that's exactly what ended up happening around the start of October, forcing me to hastly move all my contacts to other messengers. So if I stopped responding to you there, that's why. After that there have been rumours that Google might either pull out or also get blocked there, so that meant having to make backup Emails. After that Hipolink started having issues with PayPal, just like Boosty did at the start of the year, meaning that payments via PayPal are basically gone now, unless you're willing to jump through hoops. At the very least card payments are working fine, although convincing new people to pay via card is gonna be difficult for obvious reasons. Then for a moment I was worried something might be wrong with my desktop. And then there's all the escalations happening worldwide in the past few weeks...
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August-September 2024 Status Update

Hey everyone, things have been pretty slow as usual, though there are a few things to note. I've mostly been focusing on commissions so far which is why I haven't drawn much outside that, but I should be able to take it easy for now and finally be able to draw outside of that again.
Pictured: Ivan and Autumn, comparing their old and new designs
My Tumblr was finally unbanned recently, apparently their automated system mistaked me for a bot. Took them a month to respond, but better late than never I guess, so I can go back to using it again.
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July 2024 Status Update

Hey everyone, once again not much to say so far as I've mostly been working on commissions to pay the bills, so I haven't had much time or energy to work on other things. Beyond that though things have mostly calmed down and I'm feeling alright.
Unfortunately it appears that my Tumblr account was shadowbanned for no reason. I mostly only used it as a backup and SFW portfolio, but now I won't be able to use it to respond to DMs, which sucks. I'll probably post stuff there occasionally just to keep some activity there, but until it's unbanned (and support has been unresponsive so far) I probably won't be using it much.
In the meantime, here's a WIP of a project I've been working on lately to finally create a proper lineup of all of my characters:
From left to right: Ivan, Sasha, Masha, Nadezhda, Tanya, Elmira, Catherine (off-screen)

May-June 2024 Status Update

Hey everyone, since it seems like PayPal won't be coming back to Boosty anytime soon, I decided to set up an alternative donation page on Hipolink, which you can use here:
(UPD: right after making this post they added an actual tipping functionality which can be accessed either through a widget on the main Hipolink page, or via the link below)
I will continue using Boosty and you can still use a card to donate here, but if you're having issues donating on Boosty or wish to use PayPal, you can use the link above to do that, just change the "price" of the listing to the amount you wish to donate.
Thank you all for your continuous support, and I hope to become more active again soon!
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March-April 2024 Status Update + Update on Payments

Hey everyone. So, because the PayPal issue remains unresolved on Boosty so far (likely related to PayPal getting pissy with various websited in general lately), I've decided to finally make a Hipolink page, a sister service to Boosty, which still supports it:
I've been able to successfully receive several payments through it, so from now on I'll be using it to accept payments for commissions. The upside is that it's actually more convenient to use, since I can set the exact price and the person paying doesn't need to make an account, so it's a more controllable environment. I will still keep Boosty around for donations, however for the time being those will have to be made via card until the PayPal issue here is resolved.
On the drawing side of things, not much has been happening. Right now I'm having to focus on commissions because waiting for two months without them put a sizable hole in my budget, and me having minor technical issues with my PC (RAM turned out to be faulty so I had to wait a week for it to be RMA'd) didn't help. I won't be talking much about my health nowadays unless something important happens because I'd rather deal with these things in the background and not talk about it much (some things have gotten better, some have gotten worse).
An annoying issue I'm currently dealing with (and in fact have been dealing with ever since I switched to the new desktop) is that either Photoshop, my tablet, my system, my hardware, or all or none of the above aren't playing nice, resulting in my brush strokes frequently becoming jittery or jagged (which you might've been able to notice in my recent drawings). The issue generally manifests after drawing for a while and temporarily goes away after switching windows, but comes back soon after. Because it's apparently an issue that's existed for over a decade now and it has tons of potential causes and suggested solutions (none of which helped me, sadly), I'm just gonna try to cope with it and somehow mask it until I'm able to figure out a solution. In the meantime, here's me trying something different in a more sketchy style while I was experimenting with that:
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February 2024 Status Update + Information regarding Payment

Update: The earlier limitation regarding the minimal amount has supposedly been lifted, so small donations are viable again! No news on PayPal so far, but allegedly PayPal is having issues with multiple banks and websites so Boosty might be one of those affected. So for the time being payment via card will have to be used.
* * *
Hey everyone, Boosty is currently having issues with PayPal so it's no longer available as a payment option. I was hoping to wait it out, but it seems like this is gonna take a while (if they're even able to fix it that is).
The good news is that payment via card is still available and I already had several people do it with no issues. However, there are a few potential caveats that I know some people have encountered:
- Since this is an international transfer, a lot of banks will ask you to verify the payment. If it doesn't go through, it's likely that your bank blocked the transfer and is asking you to verify it;
- Military banks, especially those in the US, appear to block transfers on their end no matter what, so be wary of that if you use one.
If things get dire enough, Boosty is also suggesting I use HipoLink for PayPal transfers in the meantime. While I'm not sure if I want to resort to using that, especially since it appears that connecting accounts appears to be janky at the time, I figured I should mention the name in advance if I have to start using it.
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December 2023 - January 2024 Status Update

Hey everyone, I've been a bit quiet due to being busy so I should probably let you know what I've been up to.
First of all, I decided to finally make a personal website! Right now it only has the bare minimum and primarily acts as an art gallery, but I plan to later use it to host my various projects as well as information about my OCs and setting, you can check it out here!
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November 2023 Status Update

Hey everyone! So, November has been a really busy month so far (and I have a feeling that December might end up just as busy), but I am in pretty high spirits right now so I've been trying to get more work done.
Pictured: a visual representation of one of my many impressions from the upgrade so far
So, as I've written in my previous post, the laptop that I got mid-2021 started having increasingly frequent issues that made it really unstable and got in the way of my workflow. Since the laptop has already been a disappointment from very early on (my biggest issues being incredibly poor colour gamut of the screen and audible coil whine even though it performed really well) I decided that rather than try to repair a floating defect I might as well go through with my old plan of finally upgrading to a desktop, something I've been planning to do way back then but couldn't due to constantly being on the move (and having frequent and lengthy power outages in the countryside, forcing me to get a laptop again), with me finally getting all the necessary components at the start of November.
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