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Only thanks to your support, we will be able to devote all our time to the development of the game (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

Important news

Hello everyone! The last couple of weeks were a bit rough for us, but we are slowly making progress. As the side note of this progress, during our last discussion of the state of the game, we came to one very important conclusion: 
The game has just too many bugs.
Going forward with some of the old stuff still regularly breaking feels just wrong. We regularly say in updates that we fixed most of the bugs, and we honestly believe that we fixed a lot of things, but as the new version goes live and people find new bugs that we never had or old ones reappearing, it feels like a solid kick in the nuts. As for us, these drawbacks feel really personal. And that's why we are adamant about fixing everything we have so far before continuing. Next month, we will be focusing fully on bug fixes and improvements and optimizing, and we won't upload anything new as long as the old stuff is improved. Wish us luck, as we will need a lot of it moving forward. 
Работаем, стараемся.
Appreciate the honesty and dedication. Hope you guys get quality you are aiming for.
take your time guys and cook.Burn
What's that old drinking song?
"99 Bugs have been found in game, 99 bugs have been found.  Take one down, patch it around, 147 new Bugs in the game."
Completely understandable to invest time to put a stop to most, or all known bugs so far.

Subscription levels

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$ 3,4 per month
You will help us grow and use our time only on game development!
Thank you! 
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Devoted tester

$ 6,7 per month
You will gain access to our updates and alpha version of the game! 
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