Vyacheslav Maltsev
Vyacheslav Maltsev
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Astra Militarum Codex

- Who told you to die? Keep fighting!
/Commissar Otto Xavier/
So, the new Astra Militarum codex is now online! In addition to the usual datasheet ’s rebalancing and rules’ rephrasing, there are a number of interesting changes. In particular, the keywords <REGIMENT> and <TEMPESTUS REGIMENT> are gone, along with regimental sub-factions (hense filters on the site gone with them). Cadians can now use Catachan stratagems and vice versa. Everything is mixed up... To be sure, we need to wait for some other codex, but it seems that such a format is waiting for us in tenth edition.
In the meantime, forget about the legendary and Forge World units (until the corresponding FAQ is released). The Brood Brothers rule also loses relevance. But in general - the codex is still a codex. You can now freely go and die for the Emperor!

Уровни подписки


$ 0,99 в месяц
Statistically, you will almost certainly die when assaulting a well-maintained fortress with a competent commander. You must strive to make your death useful.
 - Training Manual
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$ 1,98 в месяц
Give me a gun, a google-eyed alien to shoot it at, and I’ll die a happy man.
 - 13th Penal Legion's Guardsman Franx
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$ 4 в месяц
Emperor protects! He wants me to kill more!
 - Kurt Vagner, 37th Cadian Assault Regiment
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$ 6 в месяц
Victory is achieved through mettle.
Glory is achieved through metal.
 - Uttica 1st Tank Company motto
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$ 8 в месяц
Who told you to die? Keep fighting!
 - Commissar Otto Xavier
+ чат


$ 9,9 в месяц
Brute force not work? It because you not use enough of it!
- Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead
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