Vyacheslav Maltsev
Vyacheslav Maltsev
1 137 subscribers
25 109.02 of $ 42 486 money raised
💀 Skull-shaped jar for one-time-donations. Thank you kindly!

Subscription Price Update $$$

My dear beloved subscribers, I wish it's not, but the time has come. Subscription prices has to be brought to the current ruble-dollar exchange rate changes (+80% so far...). If you can't handle this for now, you can go level down for a time being. But you - Conscripts - have a harder choice. You, guys, will have to make an existential decision. To Be Or Not To Be!
How it's gonna move on for all of us:
💰 January 1, 2024 - you receive a notification about the price change.
💰 Accept the new price or postpone the decision (cancel the subscription).
💰 If you cancel your subscription, your current subscription would be still in place! Take your time to decide till the next subscription period.
💰 Current subscription prices are available till Jan,1, 2024 . Hurry up!
I believe you will support and understand. Don't forget to check breaking news this week lately - you will love new comings 🎁🎁🎁
i resubbed mate, you're doing great work! Can I get my new pin to disable ads please? thanks!
please readd paypal or mastercard as payment options. i want to donate. but the restrictions on payment method are terribly limiting.
Andrew Weber, unfortunately PayPal can’t be used right now. Boosty promises to fix it, but not much of a hope. But credit cards can be used AFAIK.

Subscription levels


$ 0,96 per month
Statistically, you will almost certainly die when assaulting a well-maintained fortress with a competent commander. You must strive to make your death useful.
 - Training Manual
+ chat


$ 1,92 per month
Give me a gun, a google-eyed alien to shoot it at, and I’ll die a happy man.
 - 13th Penal Legion's Guardsman Franx
+ chat


$ 3,9 per month
Emperor protects! He wants me to kill more!
 - Kurt Vagner, 37th Cadian Assault Regiment
+ chat


$ 5,8 per month
Victory is achieved through mettle.
Glory is achieved through metal.
 - Uttica 1st Tank Company motto
+ chat


$ 7,7 per month
Who told you to die? Keep fighting!
 - Commissar Otto Xavier
+ chat


$ 9,6 per month
Brute force not work? It because you not use enough of it!
- Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead
+ chat
Go up