297 subscribers
83 of 300 paid subscribers
We'll publish "Receive media (image, files) messages in Webhooks" in WAHA Core! https://waha.devlike.pro/docs/how-to/receive-messages
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WAHA 2024.3 - Edit, remove or star messages, send files with captions and filenames and more!

We're excited to announce the release of WAHA 2024.3, bringing a suite of new features and improvements to your messaging toolkit!
Get Message Reactions - message.reaction
Receive events when a message is reacted to by a user (or yourself reacting to a message) by listening message.reaction event
- Read more about message.reaction
- Issue: #275
- 👉 NOWEB engine note - reactions were sent in 'message' and 'message.any' events, not it’s available only in 'message.reaction'!
Star and Unstar Message
Star and unstar messages by sending PUT /api/star request.
- Read Star and unstar message documentation
- Issue: #273
Edit and Delete Messages
Edit and delete message using new endpoints
PUT /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId} and 
- Read more about Edit message
- Issue: #241
DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}
- Read more about Delete message
- Issue: #209
Send Contact (vcard) - NOWEB engine
Use POST /api/sendContactVcard to send contact (vcard).
- Read more about Send Contact vCard
- Issue: #276
Add Caption and Filename when sending files
- Issue: #94
- Issue: #133
Security settings for who can send messages in the group
Updates the group settings to only allow admins to send messages.
PUT /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/settings/security/messages-admin-only
- Issue: #274
The changelog for version 2024.3 contains all the updates.
We are extremely grateful for the support we receive from our open-source community and our patrons on Patreon and Boosty! 🙏
If you don't have access to WAHA Plus - subscribe to one of our tiers on
the platform (Patreon or Boosty) and get the key to get WAHA Plus on
our portal! https://portal.devlike.pro/
Hi i have paid the amount. i didn't receive the passkey for docker hub.. pls help.. its urgent..
Sorry, it's online, try again please!
https://portal.devlike.pro/.  the portal is down.. pls help
I subscribed for advanced but now got demoted to plus subscription automatically out of nowhere... please help
Yogesh Jadhav, omg, that's awful :( We marked it as "Retired" so you could keep using that tier, but Boosty removed it completely FaceScreamingLoudlyFacePlease contact us in DM if you need to have source code for WAHA Plus, we'll send it to your as previous ADVANCED level whenever you want to in the future (as long as you're on PLUS subscription, no worries!)
How do I subscribe to the "ADVANCED" version if I don't see this subscriptionLoudlyFace
Hi! We deprecated that tier, if you're new patron - please choose available tiers!
Hi I subscribed for WAHA Plus for two months a while ago but not anymore, when im trying to use the docker key that I had it's not working anymore. I thought I don't need to keep subscribing because it says "
It doesn’t require monthly subscriptions" on WAHA website
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Yousef Bin Madi, sorry about confusion :(
WAHA - WhatsApp HTTP API, I only reinstalled my docker because whenever I start a session it says FAILED 422. I tried restarting the session multiple times but it didn't work. There is no way I can gain access to the plus again?

Subscription levels


$ 19,6 per month
- Access to WAHA PLUS docker image.
- Special Tag for all your issues and comments in WAHA GitHub repository!


$ 103 per month
- Access to WAHA PLUS docker image.
- Special Tag for all your issues and comments in WAHA GitHub repository!
- An invitation to a private Github repository so you have the WAHA Plus source code.
- Access to the Discort server where we provide support and assistance.
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