creator cover WAHA - WhatsApp HTTP API


WhatsApp HTTP API you can run in a click!

About the creator

WAHA - WhatsApp HTTP API that you can run in a click!
Support the project and get WAHA Plus version here!
- Documentation: https://waha.devlike.pro
After you subscribing you get an access to the WAHA Plus via our portal https://portal.devlike.pro/
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hello team waha hey when i send message using wahaa whatsapp api get or post both api
when i send message to Meta AI on WhatsApp: https://wa.me/13135550002?s=5  the message sended but ai not response why when i send using my mobile phone or whatsapp web it reply but using waha message sending api its not kindly please look into it
tech vansh, oh, Meta AI, yes, it doesn't probably yet. Could you create a feature request for that so we can work on that please? https://github.com/devlikeapro/waha/issues/new/choose
please how do you create autoreply in WAHA
Justine Mankhokwe, Hi! Here's python example for how to setup a simple "echo" bot, basically you can configure it to answer different message

📣 WAHA WEBJS Engine Fix Available! 📣

If you're using WEBJS engine (default one) and see the above picture on `GET /api/screenshot?session=default` response - update your instance to WAHA 2024.6.8 (or later if available)
The fix is available on both WAHA Core and WAHA Plus versions
# pull the update
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Dera Team,
please fix this problem ASSP.
docker run -it -p 3000:3000/tcp devlikeapro/whatsapp-http-api
Nadeem Tamboli,
try using this one
docker run -it -p 3000:3000/tcp devlikeapro/waha
We've renamed the image
Dera Team,
Please Guide me how to install your rename image step by step
root@ubuntu:~# docker pull devlikeapro/waha
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from devlikeapro/waha
Digest: sha256:bf029fe8afa9f40c4e40f9e69f6350625efbd7e5901f7863b8e77bf5c7f65661
Status: Image is up to date for devlikeapro/waha:latest
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Nadeem Tamboli, use "devlikeapro/waha" in your case if you're using CORE version
Indian credit card is not working for subscriptions. one time payments are only allowed. How can we make payment.
Getting this message always.
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tech vansh, Here's related CLOSED issue and the solution https://github.com/devlikeapro/waha/issues/328#issuecomment-2124269287

WAHA 2024.5 - Swagger White Label and stability improvements

We are excited to announce the release of WAHA 2024.5! This version introduces the Swagger White Label feature and includes several stability improvements.
Check the Changelog for a full list of changes.
🌟 NEW - Swagger White Label
👉 Swagger White Label is available in WAHA Plus version only.
If you’re running SaaS or want to show your brand in the Swagger documentation, you can now customize the Swagger documentation with your own brand!
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📣 Important NOWEB Update Available! 📣

WhatsApp has deprecated the version currently being used in the NOWEB engine.
As a result, you may experience difficulties logging in or scanning QR codes with the NOWEB engine.
To ensure uninterrupted service, please update WAHA to version 2024.5.8 or later. Updating now will help you avoid potential issues and ensure smooth operation.
Update is available in both WAHA Core and WAHA Plus version (and in source code for WAHA PRO patrons)
Remember to restart container after you pull the new image version!
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📣 QR Code Scanning Issues (in India and Other Countries) 📣

If you’re experiencing issues scanning QR codes in WhatsApp, especially with Indian 🇮🇳 phone numbers, using a proxy located close to the phone number’s location may help resolve the problem.
Even if you're using VPS in India changing state can help you!

It affects both WEBJS and NOWEB engines.
1. You start a new session in WhatsApp in cloud
2. Scan the QR code.
3. Experience a long loading time.
4. Face login failures or instant logout.
5. Encounter a new QR code or enter a FAILED state immediately.
There are two ways to set up proxies:
1. Global Setting (for all sessions per container)
2. Per Session Configuration (you can define a proxy for each session when you start it)
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WAHA + Ngrok - Running WAHA on local network
WAHA + Geonode Proxy - bypassing errors on Cloud or VPS
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Amazing!!! Great job🏆
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How do I subscribe to the "ADVANCED" version if I don't see this subscriptionLoudlyFace
Hi! We deprecated that tier, if you're new patron - please choose available tiers!
Hi I subscribed for WAHA Plus for two months a while ago but not anymore, when im trying to use the docker key that I had it's not working anymore. I thought I don't need to keep subscribing because it says "
It doesn’t require monthly subscriptions" on WAHA website
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WAHA - WhatsApp HTTP API, I only reinstalled my docker because whenever I start a session it says FAILED 422. I tried restarting the session multiple times but it didn't work. There is no way I can gain access to the plus again?
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the subscription is not working !
atália Furtado, Hi! I see you managed to subscribe, is all good now?

Subscription levels


$ 20,6 per month
- Access to WAHA PLUS docker image.
- Special Tag for all your issues and comments in WAHA GitHub repository!


$ 108 per month
- Access to WAHA PLUS docker image.
- Special Tag for all your issues and comments in WAHA GitHub repository!
- An invitation to a private Github repository so you have the WAHA Plus source code.
- Access to the Discort server where we provide support and assistance.
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