7 subscribers
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Helped develop the next-generation naval wargame, IRONCLADS 3.
0 of $ 141 money raised
A new video about the HISTORY of IRONCLADS will be made.

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This is where you can download our Clad in Iron games free of charge:
No client required. The game does not need to be installed. Unzip, open the folder containing the game and run the exe-file.
If you lose the installation files, you can download them again. This is the latest version of the game. If you need to download an update, you will subscribe (free level) and be notified by e-mail.
Clad in Iron: Gulf of Mexico 1864 Game
Clad in Iron: Chincha Islands 1866
Clad in Iron: War of the Pacific 1879
Clad in Iron: Carolines 1885
Clad in Iron: Manila Bay 1898
Clad in Iron: Sakhalin 1904
Watch unique videos about the history of the Steam Navy.
Read unique content about the history of the Steam Navy.
News about the next generation naval wargame IRONCLADS 3.
You can subscribe or donate any amount if you like it or if you want to support our team and the development of a new Ironclads 3 game:
All paid subscribers who pay for more than 3 months will receive a free copy of Ironclads 3: Cherbourg 1864.
The choice is always yours!

Subscription levels


$ 4,6 per month
* Sincere thanks to the developers of unique historical wargames.
* Paying a subscription for at least 3 months - a copy of the game IRONCLADS 3: Cherbourg upon release.
* Unique content about the Age of Steam Navy.
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