He who dwells in Eternity, saves his time.
Don Juan said that one of the main differences between a sorcerer and an ordinary person is that an ordinary person lives as if he were immortal. He squanders time as if time were his infinite resource.
The sorcerer knows that his time on this Earth is limited. Therefore, he spends every moment of his life effectively.The sorcerer interacts with the Force. The Force comes from the Spirit. The Spirit dwells in Eternity. Therefore, the sorcerer dwells in Eternity.
It is Eternity that reminds the sorcerer that he is powerful, but there is very little time to embody everything that the Spirit points to. There is no time at all for recklessness and stupidity.
The sorcerer is not occupied with everyday life and its emptiness. Because Eternity does not allow him to live an empty life like a stupid immortal being. That is why the sorcerer is full. He lives with all his Heart. In contrast to the ordinary person, who lives through the eyes of the Tonal.
The magician fills his life with Eternity, the average person with TV series and shopping trips, asking for a discount at the checkout. Tonal is too small for more, only for the junk of useful things in a life full of empty and stuffy events.
The magician sees. Therefore, he never wastes himself or his time on such trifles. He does what Eternity tells him and sees life from the distance of the Universe itself.
He sees and knows that he has too little time, and there is no time at all for stupidity.
This is what his Spirit tells the magician.