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University is a chance for any true magician

A reasonable person strives for knowledge, including knowledge of the abstract. The desire to join the "paranormal society", to find a teacher and to complete tasks is certainly a laudable desire and, to some extent, perhaps effective.
At the same time, for an ordinary person, everything is more prosaic. All he has is the world around him without illusions of being chosen. Castaneda talks about this in one of his interviews:
"You see, the path of the heart is not a path of continuous self-analysis or some kind of mystical flight headlong to hell. It is a path through the joys and sorrows of the world. A world where each of us is connected to everything else at a molecular level. A world that is the most wonderful dynamic manifestation of its own absolute being and does not need any wise logical justifications for its significance. This world is the warrior's true hunting grounds."
Keith Thompson's interview with Carlos Castaneda, 1994
University education as a tool serves colossal goals and objectives: to reveal in a person the ability to think and perceive abstract ideas. Our idea as researchers of the "Three Suns" project, born from the study of various mystical traditions, is based on the assertions of philosophers that the university, as an educational structure, is an echo of those Mysteries and Knowledge that were available to people of antiquity. Since the Renaissance, a person of Western civilization has no other alternative structures that operate with the abstract.
In this system, there are teachers, a group, challenges and tests. Everything that is encountered on the path of magical training. A person who has embarked on the path of university education and has not been able to reach the logical end, without having worthily endured all the tests, with a high degree of probability will be useless in magical and mystical affairs. If the student could not follow the clear and "earthly" path with dignity, strength and courage, then "angels", "magicians", naguals in sublime affairs, such an intellectual construction is not interesting.
An ordinary person has only the world of everyday life. His task is to become the best in this world, using the tools of everyday life. This is the message. At work, among friends and enemies, at home, in the family - everywhere and always follow the best and the sublime until the last breath.
Now a few words about training in the mysterious and mystical sciences.
To engage in "magic" and the abstract, we wrote about this, a person needs a base, which is his high moral standards, a healthy body and a brain capable of functioning at the peak of its activity.
A university in its purest form is an accessible to an ordinary person structured institute of education and broadening of horizons, which serves, among other things, to develop the brain activity of a person. You can "jump on trees", "work in a diner by the road" and "wait for a teacher" (tasks of the magicians of the Nagualism line) as much as you like, but such maneuvers are disorderly and chaotic in the matter of accumulating knowledge and the necessary qualities for the Path of knowledge for an ordinary person. Moreover, such methods of work were given to certain people who were ready for this and who were already in the line of training, accompanied by teachers.
For people outside the tradition, such methods are ineffective from the point of view of real training in magic. It is precisely the developed brain activity that is the instrument of accumulation and activation of spiritual energy in man, or nagual, his intention, which forms the reality of the individual.
Here is what the philosophers initiated into Knowledge, the Mahatmas, write on this subject:
"You ask us to teach you the true science - the occult aspect of the known side of Nature; and you believe that to do this is as easy as to ask for it. It seems that you do not realize the enormous difficulties that exist in the way of transmitting even the elementary rudiments of our science to those who have been taught by the methods you are accustomed to. You really do not understand that the more you possess knowledge of one kind, the less you are capable of instinctively understanding knowledge of another kind, because man's thought usually runs along a familiar track, and if he has not the courage to make up for what is lacking and to make new paths for himself, he will have to move willy-nilly along the beaten paths...
According to the exact sciences, you usually recognize only one cosmic energy, making no difference between the energy that a traveler spends to move a bush that blocks his path, and the same amount of energy that an experimental scientist spends to set a pendulum in motion. We look at it differently and know that between the two cases indicated there is an enormous difference. In the first, man scatters and disperses force in vain, in the second, he concentrates and preserves it. Please do not misunderstand me: I am not referring, as it may seem, to the relative usefulness of the two actions, but to the fact that in the one case it is a question of brute force which is scattered without any transmutation of this brute energy into the highest possible form of spiritual dynamics, while in the other the said transmutation is present.
...The idea I wish to express is that the result of the highest activity of the mind engaged in scientific research is the evolution of a sublimated form of spiritual energy which can achieve unlimited results in its cosmic action, while the brain, working automatically, retains or accumulates in itself only a certain amount of brute force which will produce no good either for the individual or for humanity. The human brain is an inexhaustible generator of the most refined cosmic force, which it produces out of the low, gross energy of Nature; the highest Adept makes himself a centre radiating potentialities which, aeon after aeon, produce ever new relationships. This is the secret of the Adept's ability to project into the visible world and materialize in it the forms which his imagination has created in the invisible world from inert cosmic matter."
The purpose of a university is not a diploma, but the development of a base on which the cognitive ability of a person will flourish.
A university is a great instrument that should serve a person in the matter of organizing his life and developing his abilities as a cognitive being. Once again, a university is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for knowledge. But it is a great chance for an ordinary person to get rid of romanticism in the matter of acquiring knowledge and to understand that growth and evolution are immeasurable labor, a personal breakthrough and a struggle with one's animal nature. As one philosopher wrote: "A person rises to the heights of wisdom not on the broad wings of enthusiasm, but slowly and with difficulty stepping along the difficult path of acquiring the necessary qualities."
In order to perceive ideas, abstract categories, a person must be intellectually prepared.
Conservatism, which is often shown by intellectuals and "men of science" who graduated from a university - at their core people of "diplomas" and not of thinking, people fragile and wounded by their sense of self-importance. They are not ready to leave the harbor that was hard won for them and set sail into the unknown, because they do not have the strength and will for it. On the other hand, revealing the unknown and turning it into the known is their primary task as intellectual luminaries.
All the tools that surround a person today are the result of daredevils and geniuses who, having gone through the university to a certain degree and having adopted all the university base that was available at that time, were not destroyers who rejected this base. But they were innovators and people of ideas. They saw opportunities in the imperfection of this base and carefully but persistently directed mental currents and spiritual forces into the necessary and hitherto undeveloped channel. This is the essence of the discovery and work of a genius. A genius does not reject the foundations, he expands them.
In magic and mystical philosophy, everything happens in the same way. Having developed the necessary foundations and using the existing Knowledge and tools, the adept or initiate works on expanding the understanding of Knowledge. Using his developed and prepared for enlightenment soul structure, the adept adds to the Tradition colors and tones that he received as a result of the decomposition of the light of enlightenment that passed through the facets of his own philosopher's stone and the diamond of the adept's soul, located in his feeling and living heart. This is how the tradition lives. Expanding and enriching itself.
That is why we, the research team of the "Three Suns" project, claim that a person who has managed to worthily go through the path of knowledge at the university has a much greater chance of becoming a person of Knowledge than a person deprived of such a path.

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