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Spirituality of everyday life

Philosophers say that human knowledge should be based on three important and complementary parts: science, philosophy and religion.
Scientific and technological progress has brought many benefits to man, and the Renaissance with its scientific discoveries revolutionized the worldview of all mankind, radically changing the cognitive and educational systems. But it seems interesting that science, according to the philosopher and mystic of the 19th century Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, overthrew religion from the throne of tyranny, while taking the vacant place on the pedestal of totalitarianism. A fact that makes you think.
At the same time, on the one hand, a camp of materialists has formed, seeing the world exclusively within the framework described by science, on the other hand, "spiritual personalities" who are reckless about scientific knowledge and take emotional intensity and a weakened psyche for manifestations of spirituality in life.
Meanwhile, the term "spirituality" itself, as a result of the propaganda of incorrect perception and the spread of patterns and stereotypes among people, has acquired a distorted and often negative connotation.
What is spirituality in reality and where does it begin?
According to the Sufi philosopher Idries Shah, who belongs to the real spiritual tradition of teaching, spirituality is a clear understanding of what is happening, which has nothing to do with imagination.
According to mystics, spirituality begins with everyday life, with everyday things and solving everyday issues in life. Real spirituality does not end at one moment and does not begin at another. Spirituality is the order of human life, the strength and manifestations of which are expressed equally both at the everyday level of a person and at the level that people are accustomed to perceive as "higher".
How to truly immerse yourself in the spiritual perception of the world in everyday life?
There are two very ancient practices that help a person maintain clarity and purity of perception, maintaining a sense of unity with all of humanity.
Smile and the Ability to Give Thanks.
1. A smile, in addition to using more than 60 facial muscles, rejuvenating the skin and maintaining its healthy tone, can put a person into a state in which his inner fire allows a person to remain invulnerable to external negative states. At the same time, a smile should be a conscious fact of the individual's desire to change his vision and attitude to the situation in the current moment, to see what is happening from a different angle.
By getting involved in the process, a person can lose clarity of perception. In order to awaken his inner reserve, a person needs to smile consciously. This practice has a powerful effect, leveling the maximum negative impact of the environment on the physical and psychological state of a person. Ask yourself, how often do you smile consciously and sincerely?
2. The ability to give thanks. Sincere and conscious gratitude is the second practice that can influence and change the awareness of reality. Like a smile, an expression of gratitude affects both the one who uses this practice and the one to whom it is directed.
The ability to thank forces a person to approach consciously both his own state and the state of his interlocutor, forcing both to switch from the usual sluggish current perception of reality to an internally deep feeling of the situation. Such a practice activates a person's internal reserve in the fight against laziness, false shame, hidden aggression and stupidity, whose influences weigh on the individual's consciousness almost throughout the entire time of his conscious activity.
A smile and the ability to thank are two powerful practices left by the sages of antiquity to combat one's own stupidity. By applying these two skills in everyday life and everyday life, a person comes into contact with a real understanding of spirituality in his life.

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