3 подписчика

New RoR2 Project... again.

Hi everyone!
I am once again making a RoR2 mod, despite wanting to get away from that game and move on to something else for, what, three years now? Well, anyway!
This will be a new Alternate Game Mode (not revealing the name yet), inspired by the Challenge Mode from Enter the Gungeon!
It introduces 3 random modifiers on each stage, and may activate unique modifiers on specific stages! (no promises about that last part though)
Now, I don't want to get too ambitious, but I'll probably be working on this until i get about 30 or 40 modifiers total in the pool, to make it a different experience on each run. Which is a lot! So I'll be working on this for a while! I'll try to keep y'all updated on this though.
Oh! And I've set up a Telegram channel, in case you'd like to get notifications about this and other things I do on there too!

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