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Mechanism That Brings Disaster - v0.1 out now!

Hey all! New game incoming!
Mechanism That Brings Disaster is a top-down wave defense shooter where your objective is to protect the Revival Mechanism from increasingly more difficult waves of enemies, while crafting new weapons and enhancements between waves to keep up with the increasing difficulty!
Currently, the game features:
* Level 1: the Twisted Temple, with two variants: Normal and Advanced
* 5 Abilities to choose from, each uniquely shaping the user's playstyle
* 12 Weapons, including good old six-shooters, shotguns, heavy claymores and motorized swords
* 16 Enhancements that can be swapped out and mix-and-matched at any time for maximum performance
* Online multiplayer (Requires port forwarding)
I've been working on this for a few months now, and am very excited to share it with y'all! This is going to be my current long-term project, with content updates in the future (maybe?) and even a full release (potentially? i hope?)
Anyway, hope y'all like it!

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Robokitty Booster

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