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There is our only plan.

Circumstances have turned out that by this Sunday I had not yet managed to finish the new episode, so this evening I will share with you not a podcast, but a post about House of the Dragon I wrote for my blog on Tumblr:
I’m going to express an unpopular opinion, but all problems of the HoTD characters are because they only talk about what they think is owed to them. That is a problem of all HoTD fans for that matter. How strange to see people are ready — quite genuinely and seriously — to go at each other’s throats just because of who, in their opinion, should sit on the Iron Throne. House of the Dragon is not a story about someone's divine rights, nor about who is the hero and who is the villain.
This story is about how everything tumble down when people forget they are people, when they think only about what is supposedly their. It is so terrible to see all these characters fighting each other when the darkness that would destroy the world of the living could come at any moment. And it's even worse to see most fans don't notice it.
They have troubles with peace. They take the part of the Blacks or the Greens and hate those who took the opposite side. House of the Dragon was supposed to teach us what we all should not do. This show was supposed to be an example of what we must not do. Instead, the fans are divided into factions and treat each other with such fierce contempt and pure hatred that any warring factions in the Middle East would envy.
I hope at least someone understands this is not normal. There is already too much evil in the world, and any such attitude towards each other we only encourage and increase this evil. There is one conversation in Black Sails that I would like to show to every fan of HoTD:
“You have no fucking idea what's going on here, do you?”
“Flint stole from me and I'm making it right.”
“Exactly. You hate Flint. I hate Flint. But right now he's talking about how we survive what comes next. And you're talking about what you think is yours. When the navy arrives, they aren't gonna give a fuck what belongs to you or what belongs to me. Because to them, there is no difference between you and me… And right now your only plan to reckon with it is to try and fight them head to head, each crew for themselves? Right now, Flint's plan is the only plan.”
I just want to say if we want to keep any kind of peace in our world, we must not hate and despise one another. Not now. Not ever. And this plan is our only plan.

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