tea & rum
tea & rum
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Episode 5. The King James Version. Part 2.

Tea & Rum EP 5. King James Version. Part 2.mp3
As part of our conversation about the King James Bible, we've raised the question of the Reformation's causes. In this episode, we trace the threads that led to the fires, deal with the history of the papacy, the Iconoclastic Controversy, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Investiture Controversy, indulgences, Giordano Bruno, and a handful of lovely Gallo-Roman and Cluniac saints.
P.S. The promised Easter Oratorio:

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Подписка "Les amis" открывает доступ ко всем платным эпизодам, которые уже вышли или выйдут в будущем. 
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