Smoke Fumus
Smoke Fumus
4 subscribers
240.3 of $ 250 money raised
Niffty avatar for Jay
35.88 of $ 41 money raised
Hair for zeta
262.14 of $ 318 money raised
UNSC-themed space corvette for Royale
641.87 of $ 1 383 money raised
The pot 1. For one time intermediate donations and whatnot.
148.24 of $ 148 money raised
GW2 Ashura skin for sl
750.56 of $ 506 money raised
Rabblerouser two sets of anthro legs and garments for them
253.81 of $ 252 money raised
Mobius Starchaser Car for Royale
70 of $ 57 money raised
Body rerig for knight
62.35 of $ 55 money raised
Laser schythe for Tiger Twista
186.65 of $ 185 money raised
Retro bus for Royale
126.98 of $ 127 money raised
Sonic Battle buildings for royale
267.66 of $ 196 money raised
Knite outfit and underwear for captain rolls
202.89 of $ 202 money raised
Green garments and leslie suit rework for captain rolls

CDM09 for Complex doom invasion part one

A small report on a progress up to date 
A week before prior one i was working on a new map for a Complex Doom invasion mod for zandronum. Majority of textures are made from scratch, with some machine learning involving for downscaling baked pbr from 128x to 64x pixel resolution without loss of important detail.
I'll post full story when it is done. 

Subscription levels

Base support

$ 3,5 per month
The content is free as it is, but thank you for supporting me (300 rub at the moment is 5$ a month)
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