Smoke Fumus
Smoke Fumus
4 subscribers
212 of $ 221 money raised
Niffty avatar for Jay
31.65 of $ 36 money raised
Hair for zeta
566.28 of $ 1 220 money raised
The pot 1. For one time intermediate donations and whatnot.
130.78 of $ 130 money raised
GW2 Ashura skin for sl
662.16 of $ 447 money raised
Rabblerouser two sets of anthro legs and garments for them
223.92 of $ 223 money raised
Mobius Starchaser Car for Royale
61.75 of $ 50 money raised
Body rerig for knight
55 of $ 48 money raised
Laser schythe for Tiger Twista
164.67 of $ 163 money raised
Retro bus for Royale
112.02 of $ 112 money raised
Sonic Battle buildings for royale
236.13 of $ 173 money raised
Knite outfit and underwear for captain rolls
179 of $ 178 money raised
Green garments and leslie suit rework for captain rolls
284.15 of $ 281 money raised
UNSC-themed space corvette for Royale

Regarding the shmup

Before all this activity happened I've been sitting making a shmup.
Got sidetracked to porting this https://probabletrain.itch.io/city-generator
to unity 3d native so I can permutate it in-situ.
Tl;dr after a lot of screwing around it got back to the point it was where i started and then some. By that i mean i had to export to STL and then spend an hour or so in blender + in unity unwrapping the whole damn thing. Now - it's doing everything in editor. 
If you recognize this, first of all - good digging skills, and second - yes this is mazinger z shmup color palette 

Subscription levels

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$ 3,1 per month
The content is free as it is, but thank you for supporting me (300 rub at the moment is 5$ a month)
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