creator cover Smoke Fumus

Smoke Fumus

Gamedev and stuff
Smoke Fumus
252.7 of $ 263 money raised
Niffty avatar for Jay
37.73 of $ 43 money raised
Hair for zeta
674.99 of $ 1 454 money raised
The pot 1. For one time intermediate donations and whatnot.
139.38 of $ 335 money raised
UNSC-themed space corvette for Royale
155.89 of $ 155 money raised
GW2 Ashura skin for sl
789.28 of $ 532 money raised
Rabblerouser two sets of anthro legs and garments for them
266.91 of $ 265 money raised
Mobius Starchaser Car for Royale
73.61 of $ 60 money raised
Body rerig for knight
65.56 of $ 58 money raised
Laser schythe for Tiger Twista
196.28 of $ 194 money raised
Retro bus for Royale
133.53 of $ 134 money raised
Sonic Battle buildings for royale

About the creator

Generalist gamedev including code, shaders, 3d modelling, texturing, soundwork, music, level design, etc. 

Subscription levels

Base support

$ 3,7 per month
The content is free as it is, but thank you for supporting me (300 rub at the moment is 5$ a month)
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