Size Difference World
Size Difference World
80 подписчиков


No matter what, I'm continuing the devlog. And today I want to share some of my ideas and insights.
First of all, I really want to speed up the development process while making the prototype look as similar to the final game as possible.
I want to try to create images for the cutscenes using AI. My friend and partner Sam Smith taught me how to use AI, and I was able to achieve more or less good quality of generated images. However, when generating images for a cutscene of the same character, I get a completely different person each time. The generated images have different faces, different figures, different drawing styles. However, these pictures quite convey the essence of what is happening in the cutscenes. Besides, generating an image is much easier than drawing it from scratch. This will greatly speed up the development of the game. And in the final version of the game it will be much easier to redraw final images based on the existing prototypes.
I'll generate images on weekends. On weekdays, I'll create size-difference images with anime heroines as before. After all, as far as I know, many people like my creativity precisely for such images.
And finally, let's move on to what I did this weekend.
First of all, I generated three images with AI for the cutscene with the girl at the entrance to the initial building. Again, in the final version I will redraw all the generated images.
Also, as I promised last week, I added some NPCs to the streets of the settlement. Images for their cutscenes will be added in order.
The working build of the game has already been updated. It is available to active patrons.
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