обложка автора Rudolph Sergey

Rudolph Sergey

I create a mods for Skyrim SE/AE
Rudolph Sergey

Об авторе

Guys, I post all the mods in open access, there are no paid ones. here I will post updates of the project and other mods.
subscribe, or just go to the discord or twitter) good mood to everyone. if you have personal suggestions, write what I can, I'll do it.
Update progress
Toy Room (Update 27.03.24) add 3 room /add tank dress/ add Zip dress/
[Rudolph] Kiss 0.3 (Update 29.04.24) add shoes  pajamas with cats
Cosplay - CBBE 3BA - ALL (6.05.24) add  Bunny  The First Descendant

Cosplay - CBBE 3BA - ALL

Hello, I made a separate page with the old 2021 mod, I also decided to add 2 new mods to this category, maybe if I have time I’ll refresh the mod and add new costumes
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[Rudolph] Kiss

Hello )
I probably updated the old shoe mod by correcting the weight and other little things, added the sound of heels and a variety of shoes) I hope someone will find it useful, also included pajamas with cats)
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[Rudolph] Watch.esp

I’ve long wanted to make a watch and other things for the character; I wear watches myself, both digital and regular) aaaand we’ll add it to the game))
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This For LE or SE?
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Special Place (Update 4.12.2023)
Нужен уровень:
offer humanity voluntarily

Space Girl 0.7

Hello. Today I updated the space girl mod, have a good day and mood everyone, !!!Attention!!! before updating, take everything from the boxes, this is important, otherwise things will be lost)
And so I updated the mod now a bit of the technical part - I added a bunch of things for immersion and it took to add ocalusions - what it is - you can read on the Internet, but in short, what your camera does not see is not loaded into the video memory)) and so a friend taught me how it’s right to do it and now it works like a watch, everything became smooth and without loading problems) I optimized what was and added a new one) I hope everything will be fine)
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NPCs do not like moving in here lol
Wow! The mod has been continued!
Tell me a mod: animation of female walking? 0:24
The best, in my opinion.
And this question is quite complicated:
What is the name of the anime that shows one of the monitors at the table? I recognized the second one on the monitor in the bed.
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Даниил Садыков, Я сначала не понял, думал про анимацию походки. Потом вспомнил, что еще аниме искал. Второе на мониторе "магическая битва" вроде - чувачёк с битой очень похож главного героя. Спасибо за инфу - буду чекать.

Dark Souls 1 v1.1 (Update 25.10.23)

Dark Souls 1 v1.1
Hello, this week I fought with DS3 and I was able to do something, but before publishing and downloading it is still quite damp, but something is already there
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Very beautiful mod! But,It is possible that my antivirus detects a virus: Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml
I have an antivirus and this is not a problem on my side. Be careful.
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i could cry with joy - i'm so excited about this wonderful, impressive
and breathtaking project - i can't find the words. I'm a very big DS fan
- although I've never managed to beat it and it's such a treat to have
this rebuild - I hope you never tire of bringing it back to life.
Unfortunately, I'm not talented enough for such works - but if you can
be supported - let me know
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Tham it, this is my dream come true, but to bad for me my pc is potato and I only have Skyrim LE. 😭😭😭
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Oh my,,, thank's Rudolph, you'r my savior. Soon I wiil cek it,  in my game time🙏🙏🙏🙏😃😃
N Mulyadi Nata, i hope is work good,is test le version )))good day )

Уровни подписки

offer humanity voluntarily

$ 1,13 в месяц
I think a little motivation won't hurt.

offer humanity voluntarily x2

$ 4,6 в месяц