124 subscribers
395.17 of $ 414 money raised
If you just feel like supporting me, this is the best place on this page to do it!

How I animate - a public tutorial!

Hey folks! This is something that people typically do for their supporters only - however, I've decided to make it a public tutorial free for every beginner to access, so, I'm only gonna attach the link to the main posts here... I hope that's okay! Here are the links!
The both lead to the same thing, just giving you options is all!

Subscription levels

Just a subscription!!

$ 2,07 per month
Hey folks! With this subscription, you'd be giving me 2-4 dollars a month in return for being able to see things such as animation sketches, animation thumbnails I do before animating, sketches for my paintings... Stuff for upcoming games!! Maybe some cool polls? Who knows!!
You can always check the value of this 200 units you're giving me to see how many dollars a month it is, of course! I don't think it'd be over 4 dollars or under 2, though!
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