
An artist!
23.5 из $ 118 собрано
If you just feel like supporting me, this is the best place on this page to do it!

Об авторе

Hey, folks! I'm Roksim, an artist, and you might know me from Newgrounds, Furaffinity or Twitter! Here's my Newgrounds page: !
I will be using this page both for commissions and for posting all sorts of stuff from my animation process that you can check out!
Want to subscribe? Use the PC version of the site, I've heard the mobile version doesn't work too well! Still having trouble? Try untying and re-tying your PayPal to the account, it works for most folks! Thanks a lot!!!!

I was subscribed to a weird blog??

Hey folks! For some reason my account here was following a really weird political blog?? What the heck! If anyone saw me following it - it was definitely not my decision, and I am going to change my password here for sure, because, well, that's not right! So, yeah, just wanted to make that clear!
Apparently I even "purchased" access to one of their posts for 45 rubles (roughly half a dollar), so it's definitely a bot scam account that amasses subsribers by hacking! Guess my Google account was softly compromised without me losing access to it! I changed the password now!
it looks more like clickjacking technique... adblockers can mostly protect against such things
Silvman, ooooh... That makes sense! Yeah, my Google account didn't show any "suspicious" activity - wow, good to know, thank you!!

PayPal subscriptions!

Hey folks! Since PayPal stopped working with this site, I see that a lot of you have unsubscribed, likely automatically without even realizing it - but I also see some people re-subscribing to me again nearly right after, and - thank you guys for your support!! It's becoming more difficult for me to recieve money even for commissions, but, knowing that there are those of you willing to find another way - that is quite special to me, and, I see you folks! And, I am very thankful!!! Thank you!!!!!
Thanks you guys!!
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription!!
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription!!
Another little gif!!
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription!!
A little gif!!
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription!!
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription!!
The picture out of my new game!!
The picture out of my new game!..
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription!!

Уровни подписки

Just a subscription!!

$ 2,35 в месяц
Hey folks! With this subscription, you'd be giving me 2-4 dollars a month in return for being able to see things such as animation sketches, animation thumbnails I do before animating, sketches for my paintings... Stuff for upcoming games!! Maybe some cool polls? Who knows!!
You can always check the value of this 200 units you're giving me to see how many dollars a month it is, of course! I don't think it'd be over 4 dollars or under 2, though!