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I am involved in humanitarian activities assisting people living in a war zone in Donbass. You can join humanitarian activities here.

Russia has abandoned the policy of exchanging natural resources for glass beads

In front of my eyes are two concepts of foreign policy. One of 2016. The other one was made public just hours ago.
These are the concepts of two distinct countries that exist in fundamentally different realities. The former is grounded in a flirtation with the West, aspiring to integrate into it and follow the rules imposed by Western powers. The latter represents a declaration of Russia as a unique, independent, and powerful entity in international relations, history, culture, and civilisation. It articulates the existence of a cultural and civilisational community known as the Russian world, placing emphasis on the struggle against Russophobia and the fight for the right to very existence of the Russian world as one of its top priorities. The Concept also outlines plans to strengthen Russia’s role in humanitarian affairs, to defend traditional values and spirituality. This is declared directly, without any equivocations or usual fawning phrasing.
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Macron, you have an incoming message

The protesters have left a message for Macron which is quite unambiguous in its meaning. 
Yesterday, he accused Le Pen of causing destabilization and bringing the country to the brink of civil war. Shifting blame and responsibility for one's actions is a characteristic trait of modern western leadership. The principle of “blame others for your own shit” seems to work perfectly in the West for foreign and domestic policies, saving precious political assholes for the time being. 
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The Wrong Trend

That is demeaning to people of color, not merely historical and artistic parody. People of color have their own culture, history, literature, and art, all of which reflect their authenticity, continuity of generations, and fidelity to their origins. The West destroys black culture and cuts people of color off from their roots. 
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The same narrative. The same appeals.

Examples of Hitler's propaganda and agitation targeting the Russians during WWII. Find the difference between Hitler’s propaganda and the current Western propaganda and agitation of the Western-paid so-called Russian opposition.
Spoiler: There's no difference.
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Humanitarian track: helping people living in a war zone.

Those who have followed me for a long time know that last year my team and I were raising money to produce a documentary that was supposed to tell the real stories of the people of Donbass. The project that was meant to be completely independent never materialized since we were unable to raise the required funding. Most of the money was successfully sent back. The funds we received through Donation Alerts we sent to support humanitarian aid for those residing in the war zone. That was almost a tragedy for us, but we move on, and we're filming short stories and working on the humanitarian track. Several of the videos we produced have already been shared on Twitter and my Telegram channels. For example
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An Italian case of war mongering

With Mario Draghi in power and plans to succeed Stoltenberg as the next Secretary General of NATO when he steps down this year in the autumn, Italy joined the EU's efforts to flood Ukraine with weapons in the first ranks. Draghi has been rushing so much that the Italian government began sending the arms even before this very step was even discussed and approved by the parliament. To drag Italy into the very mess of the ongoing crisis and to present himself and Italy as one of the motors of NATO unity and militarism was the most appropriate thing to do for Mario Draghi to meet his goals. After the governmental crisis, the new government, surprising (not so much, to be honest), continued on the same track, being unable to do anything but continue the track shaped by Mario Draghi, which plunged the country into the epicentre of the cataclysm.
But economically, the country is not ready for such a role, having been acutely damaged by the COVID crisis, and according to the data, it is short on military resources.
Though Italy has never been in the focus of my research interests, I came across a quite interesting Italian report published by the Italian Defense Research and Analysis Institute. Despite having a very boring title, it has quite fascinating revelations. According to the document, the military budget was critically small and insufficient before the conflict, and it became critically insufficient taking into account the current developments and Italian approaches. Since 2008, the Italian budget in relation to GDP has grown just on 0,02% from 1,35 to 1,38, (from 21.132,4 M€ in 2008 to 25.956,1 M€), despite the obvious rise of geopolitical threats that were expanding throughout the past years.
The country that has been positioning itself as a NATO motor, encouraging the countries to support Ukraine by all means, has little chance of enlarging its budget, but at the same time has had to cut certain expenditures and shorten its military personnel to balance the distribution of resources in the military sector and at the same time to cover the debts. The inner imbalance of the defense structure, caused by imbalanced resource distribution multiplied by resource insufficiency, influences the functionality of the Italian defense sector and harms Italy's capacity to fulfill its commitments to NATO.
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From chess to poker. The new world disordered order.

2013. I wrote the first ever article in English and it was published by (American University in Moscow and Think-Tank).
9 years later, it perfectly describes the current global situation and the prediction made that time is coming true. 
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Ottimo articolo. Anche il nostro Giulietto Chiesa lo applaudirebbe.
The clash of paradigms
About the clash of paradigms and the transgenderism conquering the public space.
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George Galloway made a poll yesterday on MOATS and his social media if "Biden is losing interest in Zelensky and in Ukraine". The majority voted "Yes." 
However, the trend seems to be more complex, and it is not only about Biden's preferences and interests (though Taiwan and China are definitely far more crucial for the US than Ukraine), but about the overall trend: it seems that the West is getting ready to throw the Zelenskly regime under the bus. The ways to do that are numerous. However, the current trend shows that there's an attempt to depose the golden idol-like statue of Zelenskiy that they have erected in the past five months.
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