7 подписчиков
43.93 из $ 110 собрано
To improve the PC, improve motivation for creating SAMM, money for advertising about.

Уровни подписки

SA:Mission Maker Support

$ 1,1 в месяц
By signing up for this subscription, you support the development of Mission Maker. All funds from the support go to improve the modification and motivation.
Оформляя эту подписку, вы поддерживаете разработку Mission Maker. Все средства с поддержки идут на улучшение модификации и мотивацию.
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SA:Mission Maker Premium

$ 3,9 в месяц
Premium subscription for SA Mission Maker.
You will be able to communicate directly with the main developer and your ideas will be considered out of turn.
You will be listed in the BOOSTY table, in which you will be displayed every time you enter the game.
You will be assigned the appropriate role in the project discord.
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