Mr Pops Alot
Mr Pops Alot
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eraCorrection Dev Log 2024.05.26 - We Ran Out of Lines So the Subtitle is Here Edition

Alright, I got quite a bit to post. There's a new lucid dream for those with excretion on, a magic shop system in development (that's going to be available for ALL branches).
## New Lucid Dream
There is now a new lucid dream which is based on a pee holding challenge. Doremy will bound you to a chair (and diaper you if they're enabled), and will demand you to hold it in, or else you'll reveal your "shameful pleasure".
Each time you beat a challenge, you'll be able to relieve yourself in a more dignified item. This is an obvious test for potty chairs/chamber pots and more emergency toileting items, but this is a good teaser for them anyway.
- Unable to hold it in: Pee self/use diaper
- 0: Nothing (you will be denied)
- 1: Underpad
- 2: Plastic bag
- 3: Bucket
- 4: Bedpan
- 5: Chamber pot
- 6-7: Squat potty (omaru)
- 8-9: Potty chair
- 10: Toilet (Western or Japanese)
Also reminds me that current toilets are quite anachronistic in Gensokyo. The modern flush toilet was only invented in the late 1880s and was only widely adopted in the 1900s, which would make it an Industrial-era invention. Only the SDM (renovated victorian era home), Lunar Capital (spacer), and Makai (ultratech) would have reliable flush toilets. Most areas of Gensokyo would have latrines, renovated or not by Kappa, chamber pots, rudimentary diapers (cloth diapers and knit pants), and many would still partake in open defecation. Irrigation and plumbing are a Classical-era invention however, and it could be possible that techist factions such as the Moriyas, Kappas, YMT, or Shinki or a Sage would upgrade Gensokyo to modern amenities.
## Magic Shop
I also got the magic shop menu in a proof of concept state. It uses the window system from eraFL, and after working with it, it seems to be a very nice option to use when NAS receives it's visual update
Here's some info regarding the Magic Shop and it's respective quest system.- Magic shop quests are different from regular requests- Quests can be either be one-time or repeatable. I had to do quite a bit of hacking to make requests that are not repeating/procedural.- Quests are not internally tied to a character, meaning that there can be quests involving characters that are only mentioned (like Rinnosuke), or organizations.- You can only have 1 quest active, and some quests cannot be abandoned  (like if you need to look for a missing character).- The magic shop must be unlocked to do these quests
## Matrix Space
I've created a Matrix Space as another alternative to Discord. As the Revolt hasn't seen a lot of use, I'm contemplating shutting it down as I generally prefer Matrix.
If you would like you join, you can join at this link: https://matrix.cutefunny.art/#/#eracorrection:cutefunny.art
And remember, Shinki loves you all.  

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