Mr Pops Alot
Mr Pops Alot
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3D printing goodies

eraCorrection Dev Log 2024.03.31 - Because People Wouldn't Take it Seriously If I Posted This A Day Later Edition

Big update when it comes to the weapon rework. Basically now every weapon is now a unique entry in your weapon inventory, which makes it easier to track what weapons have attachments, allow for individual weapon durability, and fixes the random weapons issue
Weapon Rework Progress
The holster menu has been completely redone to reflect this new system. Now every weapon has it's stats shown and can be sorted like characters in the character list.
Along this comes many new actions such as a toss button to throw away unwanted weapons without having to set up a street stall and many internal improvements such as NPCs having attachments on their weapons.
Alot of other additions are mostly in the backend and are pretty unworthy to share off.
And remember, Shinki loves you all.

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I gave this guy a dollar

$ 1,02 в месяц
You gave me a dollar. Thanks for the donation!
- Special discord role 


$ 5,1 в месяц
Five dollars of fun per month.
- Special discord role