3 subscribers

Current goals and subscribe levels explanation

If you wonder what goals I’m talking about, look at the left part of this page.
The goal for subscribers pretty much shows how much I can speed up for what amount of money per month. If we will go way above that number or never get any close to that number, I’ll edit it to show my expected speed of work.
The second goal for raising money has nothing to do with “monthly” and finding time. But my workspace is slightly better than mediocre at the moment and if you wish to help me improve it, I’ll be most grateful. And of course comfortable workspace means less of burning out, more of opportunity to improve and speed up.
Subscription levels
I’m not going to make any closed content, I want to stay transparent with all the community and whoever may be interested in my mods. So you’ll stay updated on my work as it progresses, but I won’t do anything specially only for you on whatever subscription level.
So there is pretty much nothing to explain about the “Leveling adventurer” subscription level. You support me, if there are enough people supporting me, I'm finding more time for the project. If I reach my limit, I’ll let you know through posts on this platform and goal for subscribers.
As it said in the description the “Multiclassing adventurer” subscription level will grant you “access to a special Discord channel where you will be able to vote for the next batch of placeables for me to focus on”. It doesn’t mean that I’ll make a batch of placeables just for those who have the subscription level. It means you can direct the order of my work within reason. So how will it work with my batches? Each period of work for each batch (now it is implied to be a month) I’ll post a few screenshots with batches of placeables in that Discord channel and ask everyone who has access to the channel to react on the screenshot with their preferable batch. When we are done with placeables, I’ll update the subscription level accordingly.
The “Epic adventurer” subscription level will grant you the same access as the “Multiclassing adventurer” and in addition in one more Discord channel you’ll be able to ask me to do something from a batch that didn’t win the vote for the next batch in addition to the winning batch. Just one thing and only from batches that I suggested in the first place. And yes, the price is high to protect me from too many subscribers of such type. Because it may really break any work streamlining attempts for me if I’ll have like 20 such subscribers per month and they’ll all want me to do something they personally prefer. When we are done with placeables, I’ll update the subscription level accordingly.

Subscription levels

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