Deathable 0.4.0 | Dev Report #7
Whole continuation will be more or less linear and supposedly shows the first conflict and sets up the whole storyline. I reconsider my view on the whole plotline and decided to chop off things in order to make the game more solid, I mention it some time ago, so I think I should point out all the things that I wanted to add, what's been planned and all, but long story short, if you liked the game for what is already in the game - you won't miss much. I'm going to crop freeroam interactions and rpg elements as well as the spell system. I have a script of the introduction for these in the story, but I understand this will be underdelivered and will take some effort that is irrational to put into. As said earlier I decided to restrain the ardor trying to jump above my head, but be more realistic about my capabilities. Turns out the 0.4.0 update is the part where I have to connect the first pieces of the story into the bottleneck. We can discuss it more in depth after the version is released. The roadmap is also a bit outdated, there won't be an isekai part anymore.