creator cover Media Shop "Lone Wolf"

Media Shop "Lone Wolf"

Electronic content
Media Shop "Lone Wolf"
0 of $ 122 money raised
Money for subscriptions to foreign producers of neural network and video programs

About the creator

 My name is Alex. I live in Moscow and do freelance work. Interests: writing content, studying AI, working with videos, promoting YouTube channels. Now also selling e-books and articles
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Post is available after purchase
Goldmine.Coloring book
Post is available after purchase
Goldmine.Bedtime Stories
Post is available after purchase
Goldmine.Classic books
Post is available after purchase
Post is available after purchase
Goldmine. Activity and crafts
Post is available after purchase
Guide to Achieving Harmony and Wellbeing
Post is available after purchase
What to Feed the Little One: A Practical Guide to Nutrition for Expectant Mothers
Post is available after purchase
ChatGPT is changing the industry: how to create a profitable job search website in just seconds
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